View Full Version : Opinion on Tank Size perfecto/aqueon 125 vs dsa 130

05-22-2014, 12:05 PM
The dimensions of a Standard 125 are 72x18x22-23inch tall.

The size of the DSA 130 Is 72x20x21

Would Discus benefit from the extra width of the DSA, or from the extra height of the 125?!

Or in all actuality neither would make much of a difference as its such a small difference? One thing I must say is I am very happy with the build quality of my DSA 65, and the overflow set up is very nice as well..

opinions please!


05-22-2014, 01:25 PM
:fish:I personally think either one is a fantastic tank! Me personally would go for width if I had the option to
choose. Either way 125 gallons is plenty of room for discus! Pristine immaculate water quality in any decent size tank will benefit the discus most :D

05-22-2014, 02:40 PM

that being said.. 3rd option.. every flush is like a 90% water change. :)

In all seriousness.. the cost of the dsa is more, but then again the overflow is pretty nice instead of having 2 separate overflows.

Tank bottom is black, cant change that either.. issues with peppering and barebottom? I have the black bottom now, and I have some peppering going on but then again ive been told its more of a result of a not completely happy fish which he isn't cause hes not eating

05-22-2014, 03:30 PM
I would go with 125G since it's more common and if you have to get/replace tops, stand, or something else for the tank in the future, 125G would be easier.

05-22-2014, 03:49 PM
I would go with 125G since it's more common and if you have to get/replace tops, stand, or something else for the tank in the future, 125G would be easier.

that's true, cheaper by 300 and can get it locally.. really love dsa products but they just confirmed the bottom of the tank actually is black.. so that kinda leaves me in the same situation I am in with my current tank.. dark!

Picking up a 55g tank this weekend to use as a sump =) let the fun begin

05-22-2014, 06:08 PM
Lol.. make sure the fish doesnt go down with the water change. Woohoo, on the new big tank!