View Full Version : Help me solve bullying situation

05-22-2014, 08:12 PM

I am new to discus. I have five discus in a heavily planted 65 gallon tank, which you can see here:


I'm not sure how large the discus are, but one is nearly full grown (almost 6"?) and the rest are a little smaller (4-5"?).

As you can see in the video, the large one is kind of a bully. In particular, he bullies the orange striped one pretty mercilessly. It has lead to underfeeding of the orange one, since he spends most of his time hiding. If anything, he looks even a little more stunted now than in this video.

I see a few different remedies:

1. Return big one to store and hope the next-biggest just doesn't step into his role.
(I'd prefer not this one because he is the prettiest and was expensive!)

2. Return the bullied one.
(I know a QT tank might be best option, but I have neither space nor spousal cooperation for another tank.)

3. Return the bullied one, and get another one (about 5").

4. Return the bullied one, and get 2 more.

Right now I am leaning towards 4. I would return the bullied orange-striped one, then get two more I've seen at the store: one of which is about 5" and one of which is about 6". This would put me at 6 individuals, which is pushing it but acceptable in a 65 gallon tank with other smaller fish.

What do you all think? I am new and would appreciate any advice.

Zachary Braverman

discus rookie
05-23-2014, 02:41 AM
A nice looking discus is supposed to be round, thick, not pointy, and swim around gracefully.
I think it may be the Co2 and the pH swing plus all the dissolved organic that is stressing them out. No matter what you do, if the condition remains the same they will just all get stressed have their growth impeded no matter which one you return and replace.
Your plants are very beautiful and it could have been a very nice tank. Perhaps just put in a school of rummy nose or something so you can focus on the plants?

05-23-2014, 03:15 AM
But only one is stunted. If what you said were true, all would be stunted, no?

discus rookie
05-23-2014, 04:08 AM
They all look a bit too thin, most of them are quite dark, one of them is quite peppered, and most of their eyes are quite big compared to their bodies, with a pointy shape. They just all look quite stressed to me. But it is just my humble opinion.
Your plants look really nice, great job.

05-23-2014, 07:32 AM
No bully. I jus discus being cichlids. Normal

05-23-2014, 08:03 AM
No bully. I jus discus being cichlids. Normal

+1 I see no major cause for concern there. Mine do that all the time.


05-23-2014, 08:20 AM
First you have a great looking tank. Second what you are seeing is 100% normal. Third your fish are ok. They are not great, they are not large, they are not really thick. They are just ok....but that considering you probably raised them in a planted tank you did a great job.


05-23-2014, 09:14 AM
First you have a great looking tank. Second what you are seeing is 100% normal. Third your fish are ok. They are not great, they are not large, they are not really thick. They are just ok....but that considering you probably raised them in a planted tank you did a great job.


Thanks. That makes me feel a lot better.

However, I definitely did not raise them; I've only had them a few months. My goal is the same as with my children: screw them up as little as possible. :)

05-31-2014, 11:09 AM
how to solve bullying, buy more discus lol!

05-31-2014, 08:57 PM
I solved it by returning the runt which was getting bullied to the store, and buying a slightly larger one.

Since then, the tank has been incredibly peaceful. I would still like to get one more to make it a group of 6, but I'm not convinced that wouldn't tip me past some bioload point that would make me have to fight algae....