View Full Version : Discus size and growth rate? Spawning?

Siddhartha Saive
05-28-2014, 08:19 AM
Hey guys. I was just wondering what's the max growth rate of juvenile discus under the right conditions.
Until what age do they grow fast and how long to reach full size.

I got 21 blue diamonds in my 600 gallon low tech(no CO2 and only occasional dosing since i got the discus, with a 115gallon sump with a heavily planted refugium) pretty heavily planted tank.

They were about 2 to 2.5'' when i got them about 8 weeks ago. Now most of them are just over 4''. A few 3.5'' and one runt which is just 3''( it was the tiniest of the bunch when i got them)
I know my tank is not an ideal grow out, being a heavy stocked community tank and 60% water changes (all only RO) only once a month. But the discus are healthy and very active and eat like pigs.

Is the growth in my discus decent? I hope they grow to a good size. How long will it take to reach full size?
I've also had one of the discus lay eggs about a week ago which dint hatch. Unfertilized maybe. I dint notice any significant pairing behaviour and even the eggs were always left unattended. Don't know which one laid the eggs. Is this normal?
At what size/age do the discus start spawning and when do they start raising them successfully.
I'm asking this just out of curiosity as i don't expect to raise any fry in my community tank

Siddhartha Saive
05-28-2014, 08:26 AM