View Full Version : please need advice ASAP,

ronald sherman
06-16-2014, 12:28 AM
long story short I've been getting a 29 gallon breeder tank ready 4 a pr that's been getting better and better at getting it right each time around include 7-9 day's ago ordering aquabite from the breeder of Kenny's fish was going too move them next time around however need advice ASAP cause yesterday had 200 egg's on a breeder cone 5 day's that started becoming free swimmer's thought they were all eaten as none were on the breeder cone but tonight I look and all of the free swimmer's rhe parent's most of moved over 3 ft too the entire filter input going too take pix now as I did yesterday when they were on the cone abd there all alive in show tank each time 1 swim's off the filter input parent's look's like he eat's it then spit's it back out on the filter now I'm talking like 200 still alive free swimming in a show tank they can't be better parent's how long before they will or could attach any way I should try moving and trying too save this batch as were talking a lot of free swimming PLEASE ANYONE help my dream come true I would do anything too try saving them as were talking 200 alive free swimming in show tank

06-16-2014, 01:13 AM
WOW! That's a lot of fry:) Good luck:) Hope you get some help soon, especially this late.

06-16-2014, 01:20 AM
Long story short,

I've been getting a 29 gallon breeder tank ready for a pair that's been getting better and better at getting it right each time. I got them 7-9 day's ago (?) along with some aquabite from Forrest. I was going too move them next time they were about to spawn, however I need advice ASAP because they had roughly 200 egg's on a breeder cone, in which hatched and became wigglers.

I had thought they were all eaten as none were on the breeder cone but tonight I look and all of the wigglers the parent's most of moved over 3 ft too the filter input. I am going too take pix now as I did yesterday when they were on the cone and there all alive in show tank each time 1 swim's off the filter input parent's look's like he eat's it then spit's it back out on the filter.

Now I'm talking like 200 still alive about to go free swimming in a show tank. They couldn't be better parent's, but how long before they will attach?

Any way I should try moving them and too try and save this batch?

We are talking a lot of wigglers, PLEASE ANYONE help my dream come true I would do anything too try saving them as were talking 200 alive free swimming in show tank!

06-16-2014, 01:24 AM
Nothing you can do, let nature takes it's course, and move them to a breeder tank next time around (trust me, they will spawn again). You would get much more help if you just tried to make your posts a little easier to read btw ;)

ronald sherman
06-16-2014, 08:20 AM
what bother's me is before the parent's moved them from the breeding cone I was able too vacuum, the bottom, and do at least a 50% water change 4 whatever reason bow where the paent's moved them over 48 hr's I'm not able too even vacuum off the bottom let alone do a water change as there are two many only 2 inched from the top of the tank, if they don't attach I decided in the next 8 hr's I'm going too have no choice but too at least clean the bottom of the tank and hope 4 the best other wise I compromise the health of all 8 of the adult discus let alone the health of any of the free swimmer's which o've been told has a very slim change of making it with the tank of fish I'm just amazed that they made it this far and so many they literally look like small baby guppy's just coming out the mother's sac

ronald sherman
06-16-2014, 03:39 PM
well after thinking about it for over 24 hr's and seeing what look's like too me well over 100 free swimming fry attaching too both parebt's in a community tank and watching both parent's doing such a good job i moved the other 6 discus into the second discus tank so the 2 of them can continue and giving all the free swimmer's a fighting change if anyone seen pix of the two fish in my earlyier post I'm wondering if they make a good match?

ronald sherman
06-16-2014, 11:50 PM
Mud I refused too accept the word nothing long story short I removed the other 6 fish abd placed them into my other show tank just temp, putting 13 in the 1 75 gallon, and left just the pr and must have over 100 that attached too both next time they will go in there own 29 gallon tank now I just have 1 slight problem I haven't figured out, I still have several dozen of free swimming as there in such a large tank 75 gallon the pr pick's them up with there mouth and place them on the filter intake but they swim away with my bad eyes I can't see any way of doing water changes without sucking many up any suggestion anyone?

06-17-2014, 12:12 AM
You would get much more help if you just tried to make your posts a little easier to read btw ;)

+1 :thumbsup: I would listen to "Mud's" advice:)