View Full Version : Kenny/Wilds discus

06-21-2014, 05:54 PM
From all the info on Simply (not so simply) Discus my next batch of un-stunted (only my fault) discus is comming from Kenny/Wilds as my 2nd batch in my custom 3foot tank (90cm x 50cm x 50cm) BB tank... first of all are these okes as good as everybody states? 2nd of all would the 6 discus have enough space to turn around as adults in such a debth tank? Gonna be running 1 canester 700l an hour filter for filtration on the tank doing 50% water changes per day... was thinking of making a 2foot fishtank sump filter aswell and any idea in doing so would help me loads :)

OC Discus
06-22-2014, 09:11 AM
55 g is considered minimum discus tank for 5-6 fish.