View Full Version : Seizures?????

07-09-2014, 05:31 PM
Ok guys.....my youngest discus (8 months old) got spooked, and began slamming himself into the glass walls, top, stc. I've seen this before in some of my other fish, however, this one has been doing this daily for the past week and afterwards, he stays to himself in the corner of the tank!
My question is: could this be seizures? Could this be a symptom of an illness? Do you have any advise for this situation? Kris:(

Second Hand Pat
07-09-2014, 05:35 PM
Does it whirl after the mad dashing?

07-09-2014, 07:14 PM
I have the same thing going on with one of my discus and he does whirl sometimes afterwards. My discus is an older one though about 5 inch in diameter. My best looking discus ATM. Pigeon blood. Do not want to loose this one. He did have a cloudy eye when doing this but I think he just ran into something and hurt it.

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07-11-2014, 05:22 PM
After the mad dashing, he goes off to himself for a good while, before joining the group again! As far as a whirl, I'm not sure what that means! He is a pigeon blood, and 5" at 8 months old.
The day before this behaviour began, I removed one discus from the tank. Could he be reacting to that??? Kris

Second Hand Pat
07-11-2014, 05:31 PM
I would not think so. You may want to check your water parameters.

07-11-2014, 06:18 PM
When this happened to me it was nitrite poisoning, even though the nitrite levels appeared, when tested, to be very low. Doubling the water changes cleared it up. Even if the parameters seem to be fine, it's still possible that this one fish is more sensitive to less-than-100% perfect conditions than the others.

07-12-2014, 08:48 AM
Yea......I have doubled up on the WC, even though, like in your experience, the perimeters seemed normal!! Hopefully, this will yield positive results!! Thanks for the advise and thoughts guys........Kris

07-13-2014, 07:43 PM
I to have had the same issue. Mine even jumped out of the tank. Good thing I was there to see it and save the day. Rigged the tank up now so that wont happen again. I though at first the water quality and levels were good. I did alot of research on this as well before joining this forum and asking around the Discus community. I noticed if I have my ceiling light on with the tank light off my shadow goes through the tank on them and it would spook all of them but him the most, like double vision. My shadow and me. Thats just one theory. My Discus HATE I mean HATE the night setting on my LED light. Lastly, there is the possibility your discus is the runt being bullied. I thought so with mine. So I bought 9 more fish. All is calm not. Probably the pecking order has changed.

07-14-2014, 10:23 AM
Don't know why it does whirl around, but when it happened for me it was a couple juvi discus that had it. At first, I lost maybe 2 or 3 not knowing that caused it. I did more frequent WC's (mind you for adults I did WC once every 2 days X 90% and my babies/juvi I did once a day @ 90%) and bumped the water temp up maybe to 89 - 90 and it seemed to help. I had no more lossed to this point.