View Full Version : Sponge filter

07-09-2014, 10:49 PM
Ok so I have a problem. I got an aquaclear 110 which I recently purchased and got a sponge filter to go with it. Now I also have an emperor on my 125 but it doesn't fit a sponge filter....should I leave it the way it is or is there something I can do to make it any better?

ronald sherman
07-09-2014, 11:11 PM
hey that's interested as I have 2 canister's as well as 2 sponge filter's on 1 75 gallon tank abd a aqualclear 60 on another as well as a emperor with a bio-wheel I use too place a sponge filter that was larger thar use too slip over the square in-take instead of round but too be honest it's so simple and fast too remove the media place it in a bucket with de-chloride water than take a sprayer once a week or twice and spray the inside out real well as I automatic do the same with the aqua-clear as I like too clean both filter in-take as you be amazed how much junk washes out at the same time I remove the propeller on both once a week takes me as fast as 5 min, going on over 2 yr's now in two tank's 16 discus without a single loss or disease now

07-09-2014, 11:13 PM
You confused me lol

ronald sherman
07-09-2014, 11:56 PM
sorry in short term what I said was that yess there is a pre-filter that can be sliped over the in-take but since it's a bit on the tight fit how siple that filter is I find it just as fast too clean it even it a do it twice a week inly takes 3-4 min's too clean where if it was a canister which I do have two of I wouls make sure it had a pre-filter more time consuming too clean

07-10-2014, 12:48 AM
Maybe you misunderstood me lol. I'm wanting to do sponge filters because I'm told they are just better. So I got one on my aquaclear 110, but my emperor bio wheel can't fit one. It's square at least my LFS says there is no way to make one fit. They are both HOB filters of course. (125 gallon tank)

ronald sherman
07-10-2014, 03:42 AM
YESS there is if you go too petco or some of the larger chain stores they sell 3 or 4 different sizes all shape round that will fit over it or you can get a long blue type sponge that comes in long sheet's that are blue that you can cut too any shame too fit on this forum if you do a search they show you how too make a homemade 1 just as I described