07-18-2014, 10:22 PM
Started a discus tank a couple of months back . I had 3 discus in tank in the first month. I recently added a a fourth one whichis an inch bigger than the 3 . They got along just fine for the first week but after my water change last week only 2 (the bigger one i just bought and one of the smaller one)of them get along . So now they bully the smaller ones... How do i eliminate the agression . I miss the times when they swim around each other. Feeding time is stressful for me now cause the big one will ram the other smaller ones.. Although the smaller ones can still eat cause spread the food around its just sad to see them not getting along .. What triggered this bullying and agression amongst each other . I need HELP!

07-18-2014, 10:48 PM
How large are they? It's best to have at least 6 to spread out aggression. All cichlids will show some aggression though it's what they do. They have to establish a pecking order

07-18-2014, 10:57 PM
First.. as dexker said.. more numbers is better. They like to be in groups.. I am going to assume u bought juvies discus.. they are the ones the newbies all have the problem with.. its ok its normal. . Its what cichlids do.. they are trying to sort out a pecking order...
buying more fish from different sources and mixing them together is a whole nother problem...

All u can do is let them sort it out.. the fish are usually stronger then their owners. . Some will till u to give bully "time out".. it dont work..

This problem happens all the time.

07-18-2014, 11:07 PM
How large are they? It's best to have at least 6 to spread out aggression. All cichlids will show some aggression though it's what they do. They have to establish a pecking order

I have 3 3-3.5 inches and one 4inch i have 4 total. They got along just fine but i guess it's establishing pecking order. Thank you for the reply.

07-18-2014, 11:12 PM
First.. as dexker said.. more numbers is better. They like to be in groups.. I am going to assume u bought juvies discus.. they are the ones the newbies all have the problem with.. its ok its normal. . Its what cichlids do.. they are trying to sort out a pecking order...
buying more fish from different sources and mixing them together is a whole nother problem...

All u can do is let them sort it out.. the fish are usually stronger then their owners. . Some will till u to give bully "time out".. it dont work..

This problem happens all the time.

You are very right. I guess 3-3.5 inches are still juvies.. I bought them at same store. Also , do i have to feed them more than twice a day? I really dont know their true age. I just know they are young by size. Thank you for the advice ..

07-20-2014, 04:11 PM
I had major issues with bullying, eventually one of the smaller ones held his own and was accepted but i had to get rid of one of the bullys, he was a Blue Diamond that didnt allow anyone else to grow.

07-21-2014, 09:01 AM
The mirror trick works quite well if only one fish is the problem.

07-22-2014, 06:21 PM
I had major issues with bullying, eventually one of the smaller ones held his own and was accepted but i had to get rid of one of the bullys, he was a Blue Diamond that didnt allow anyone else to grow.

slowly the are getting along just fine. only feeding time they tend to be more agressive im happy to see them swimming together again. haha ...

07-23-2014, 12:31 PM
Glad to hear that it seems to be working out. Usually 5 or 6 is a good number to distract and spread out the aggression. They will establish their own pecking order.

07-27-2014, 05:56 PM
Glad to hear that it seems to be working out. Usually 5 or 6 is a good number to distract and spread out the aggression. They will establish their own pecking order.

i have 5 in there right now .. i just added one yesterday... they look ok for now .. now they will sort another pecking order. that's it for now .. til i get a bigger tank.
thank you.