View Full Version : What's your favorite food after BBS?

07-19-2014, 05:41 PM
I've been through this a few times already and I think the obvious answer is to gradually add whatever food you eventually want them to eat, being careful to keep the water clean. I was just wondering if anyone had any more interesting ideas about what has worked for them making the transition from the parents. Aiming roughly for 21 days, the fry have another 10 with the parents and they look like they're attacking them already. I use FDBW, Spectrum growth pellets, and beefheart flakes. I don't use beefheart.

07-19-2014, 08:17 PM
Since you already use FDBW, You can use these to transition as well.. a few pulses in a coffee grinder will cut them down to size for use. To feed the grinded food... you can just sprinkle on top the water, then agitate a bit with your hand and it will sink slowly.. You could also pre-mix in a cup with some water, and pour it in, or use a turkey baster to direct it to fry on the parents back.

Honestly, the technique will work for the pellets and flakes you feed as well. Its what I do when raising fry.


Larry Bugg
07-19-2014, 08:37 PM
Like Al, I use a coffee grinder but at 21 days I also stick cubes of FDBW to the glass. Even at this age they will start feeding off the cube.

07-19-2014, 10:44 PM
a few pulses in a coffee grinder will cut them down to size for use. To feed the grinded food... you can just sprinkle on top the water, then agitate a bit with your hand and it will sink slowly.


Why bother? :)

I do use the fines(stuff that settles to the bottom of the bag)from kilo bags of FDBW for fry, but I have found they can manage to eat from the cubes at the youngest of ages. As I feed my parents with fry the cubes, I will slowly see my fry loose all interest in BBS and develop a preference for the FDBW's.

I have also witnessed on many occasion, the parents pulling pulling apart the cubes stuck to the glass and spitting them back out at the fry.

Also, at the first signs of me seeing my fry start to graze/forage the floor bottom, I start slowly adding pinches of flake food for them.

07-19-2014, 10:49 PM


Why bother? :)

I do use the fines(stuff that settles to the bottom of the bag)from kilo bags of FDBW for fry, but I have found they can manage to eat from the cubes at the youngest of ages. As I feed my parents with fry the cubes, I will slowly see my fry loose all interest in BBS and develop a preference for the FDBW's.

I have also witnessed on many occasion, the parents pulling pulling apart the cubes stuck to the glass and spitting them back out at the fry.

Also, at the first signs of me seeing my fry start to graze/forage the floor bottom, I start slowly adding pinches of flake food for them.

07-20-2014, 04:19 AM
Try Forrest AQUABites.

I use Tetrabits, Aquabites and Bloodworm (cube) for my discus. Among them, I prefer Aquabites the most, as it doesn't become flakes in water, and keep the water clean.

My discus are fine with all of them.