View Full Version : Discus QT

07-31-2014, 11:36 PM
I want to get into discus. I'm starting a 180 tank and I know the best thing I can do for my fish is to QT them before adding them to the display tank. I wanted to know if my current methods are going to be enough. Currently I am practicing with tetras which will also be in the display. I'm doing methelyne blue for 2 weeks and then prazi pro for 2 weeks. Tank is 85 degrees and I am currently using a 30 gallon tank and doing a 5 gallon water change every day. When I finally do discus I'm going to QT them in a 55 and do a 10 gallon water change every day. I use RO water in my tanks. Any advice would be very helpful. Thanks!

08-01-2014, 04:10 AM
Have a read of this thread here http://forum.simplydiscus.com/showthread.php?21044-Quarantine-*questions it offers a number of options. No need imo/e to be using meth blue at all during qt and I would be changing a little more water daily too. Are you re-mineralising your ro water?

08-01-2014, 01:57 PM
I read that form. I do plan to us some medicated food as well. No I'm not re-mineralising at the moment. I'm not exactly sure the best way to go about that either. As far as I understand methylene blue kills flukes and is a good anti fungal so are you saying there is no need for it because there is other methods or does it not do any of that? Thanks

08-01-2014, 02:32 PM
As Paul has said, one of the primary things you need to do is significantly increase the quantity of your water changes, particularly when you get your discus for QT in the 55 gal.
Assuming you get reasonably well-sized discus from a known experienced and reliable source for supplying healthy fish of good quality (and you should), then there should be no need to medicate anything for those healthy fish. All you need do is a suitable QT of the discus in the 55 to ensure they remain fine, and then proceed to add a single discus to your main tank with the existing dither fish for further QT to ensure no cross-contamination takes place, before adding the remaining discus to the main tank.
Best of luck to you.

08-04-2014, 11:57 AM
Meth blue won't do much to flukes, at least not at doses the fish can tolerate and it would also nuke your filter. You will need to remineralise at some point, RO removes all minerals (well 98%+ as a rule) - unless your water is mega hard it will not have enough minerals in it. There are a variety of options from treated tap water through to commercial salts - I tend to use commercial salts.