View Full Version : Arowana was peace keeper :(

08-04-2014, 09:34 AM
So everyone here may not have known but i had a foot and half arowana living with my discus. just this pass weekend i ended up selling him. (kinda miss my arow).

In the tank all the discus is around the same size and still growing 4 plus inches. i have a leapord starlight who is a male and a gaint flora who is about the same size(looks to be female).
since the arowana was removed from the 150 gallon tank, all the discus has been free swimming and tons more active. yesterday i notice that the gaint flora was kinda on its own at a corner. after about an hour of observing i notice that the leapord starlight has been the only one that punking the gaint flora. it has got pretty bad since the gaint flora has sign of missing scales on both sides of her body.
when the arowana was around they would get along and play nice. now that the arowana is gone. TRUE colors are starting to appear.

any suggestion on what i can do to get rid of this guys punking madness?

150 gallon tank
13 discus

old photo of tank when arowana was around. i will up dated photos once i get home.
http://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y412/yangj04/tank1_zpse658f0cc.jpg (http://s1273.photobucket.com/user/yangj04/media/tank1_zpse658f0cc.jpg.html)

08-04-2014, 10:11 AM
The arrowana was not a peace keeper - it was most likely suppressing the discus natural behaviour - basically if an arrowana can get it into it's mouth it will eat it! Now the arrowana has gone, the discus are less intimidated so will behave more normally, unfortunately this type of bickering is normal. With 13 discus in the tank I'd leave them to it, in the vast majority of cases it does settle down (ish).

08-04-2014, 10:19 AM
awww... well i guess they will have to figure everything out on there own. just kinda harsh how the leapord just strickly picks on the flora, makes me kinda of want to move the leapord into the tank where the bigger pigeon and white butterflys are so he can get a taste of his own stuff.

as for the arowana that was one of the reason why i sold him, he was getting a bit over size and was starting to size up the discus to see if they fit in his mouth. i was totally sure that if he wanted to he could had eaten a few of them.

08-04-2014, 10:32 AM
Sometimes a little damage is caused, what you have to watch for is the fish being attacked doesn't get too damaged, that is when you step in. Removing one or other may just push the aggression onto the next in line, so it's not always easy or automatic that removing a fish fixes the issue.

08-04-2014, 04:32 PM
from the damage that i was looking at the flora was getting a pretty good beating both sides of his body has missing scales. i will keep monitoring them and see if i do need to remove one. i will take more photos once i get home.

08-04-2014, 09:45 PM
Just keep an eye on the missing scale part to see if anything appears. Typically this type of bullying happens more around feeding time. If you notice it happening around this time, simply spread out the food to different areas of the tank. That should help a little.