View Full Version : When to stop using nhbs?

08-17-2014, 11:25 PM
My babies are Now 1 month old
When do you stop using nhbs?

08-18-2014, 07:53 AM
I introduce new foods in addition to the bbs at about 2 weeks from free-swimming. Those foods are ground up freeze dried black worms, and crushed flakes. After I remove the fry to a different tank from the parents, usually around 3 weeks, I'll add beef heart mix. I'll usually keep giving bs until I see that they are eating the other foods, usually around 5 weeks. You can experiment with different foods, etc., but for myself, I get tired of bbs hatchery after a while. HTH.

Keith Perkins
08-18-2014, 11:35 AM
There's not a canned "correct" answer to this one, much like many things with keeping discus. Unlike Don, I don't mind doing bbs and I usually feed it until the fry/juvies show me they'd rather eat something else. I introduce new foods much like Don and feed the parents beefheart though out their time with the fry so the fry can start eating heart whenever they want to.