View Full Version : love hate,hate relationship!!!!

08-18-2014, 03:37 AM
hey all im a bit puzzled about a pair of fish ive got...
I purchased them about 12 months ago as a breeding pair,they are eruptions..
they are in a 2x18x18 tank,and they got on fine but definitely no signs of breeding behaviour until I started feeding them my home made bh mix.
ever since the change in diet the male really gives the female a really hard time.. they will clean there cone shimmer and fin flick with tubes out and then he beats her up,even when theres no tubes showing he will still have a go at her,!!!
I cant figure out why.they are wormed get w/c daily 20-50% get fed a range of great food?????
if anyone has any advice please let me know...
cheers marty

08-18-2014, 08:51 AM
He simply wants her to spawn. It is how nature works. On the old food they probably were not healthy enough to spawn from a nutritional stand point. Now that they are on better food the male is ready to spawn but the female is not there yet.


08-19-2014, 05:03 AM
Thanks mate. Sometimes it looks like she is trying to lay and he harasses her that much that she can't ?!?!!

08-19-2014, 08:24 AM
As long as they are healthy spawning is the most natural thing that they can do. Just give them time.
