View Full Version : Three week old fry

08-19-2014, 11:51 AM
I currently have about 30 three week old fry doing fine, eating real good, BBS, cut up FDBW from Al, and crushed tetra bits. A friend wants to buy 20 of them, but will PU, box for shipment USPS priority mail from San Antonio TX to Edinburg TX. What do you all think this would be okay, or just grown them out some more before selling? I'm not in making money thing, just doing for the hobby, let nature take it course type of approach.

08-21-2014, 02:17 AM
I would grow them until their at least 2 inches

08-21-2014, 08:16 AM
Depending on the knowledge level of your friend. Shipping the fish now is not a problem if he knows how to raise fry.


08-22-2014, 02:54 PM
Fry are very sensitive to changes in the water conditions, temp, ph and hardness, I dont think its a good idea.

08-22-2014, 03:04 PM
Fry are very sensitive to changes in the water conditions, temp, ph and hardness, I dont think its a good idea.

No they are not. If anything they adapt quicker than older fish.


08-22-2014, 03:11 PM
No they are not. If anything they adapt quicker than older fish.


3 weeks old fry? I totally disagree.

After fish are 2"+ I would agree with you, but not until they reach that age.

You wont see any responsible breeder selling 3 week old fry, there is a reason.

08-22-2014, 03:20 PM
So you tried it and had bad results?

The reason that it is not done is not because the fry have issues in shipping. It is because the person at the other end does not know how to raise them from 3 week old fry to 2 inches. If you read my first response you should see that I made that clear.


08-22-2014, 03:36 PM
No John, I have never tried it, nor would I.

I have seen what happens to fry when small changes in water chemistry happen, we are not talking about a 2" fish here, we are talking 3 week old fry.

Unless the water is identical to the breeders water, then its not a wise thing to do, and this is of course my opinion which is what farebox was looking for when he posted, you have given your opinion also.

It would appear that you hold a different view, thats what makes the discus world go around.

08-22-2014, 03:43 PM
I kind of figured that you were talking about stuff that you did not know. Seems lots of people have opinions that have zero real world knowledge behind them. When it comes to giving answers my opinion has always been that people should stick to things that they have tried, things that they have experience in.


08-22-2014, 03:55 PM
I have experience in 3 week old fry, and my experience has been if you alter the chemistry of the water more than slightly then you will damage if not kill the fry. Maybe you have found a way to radically alter the hardness/temp or ph of the water without harm to the fry, if so please post your experiences on the subject.

So you ship 3 week old discus fry to people and dont have problems? This I would love to hear your vast experience of.

08-22-2014, 04:08 PM
I have shipped young ( 1 inch or less fry ) to experienced friends all over the U.S. multiple times. Starting probably 20 years ago. Never had any issues but like I said they were experienced. Back in the day Jack Wattley use to ship out tiny fry, but he probably does not know what he is doing either...LOL. I picked up a few fry from Jim a few weeks ago they were really small. I promise you that the water at his place is different from the water at mine. I would tell you how much but since I don't test my water I cannot. Also if your fish are having issues because of minor water chemistry changes then they are probably already sick. Discus can take a large variation in water.


08-22-2014, 04:12 PM
Thanks John for that story. I have learned something, 3 week old discus can take a large variation in water. Many thanks for your advice, it seems very good.

08-22-2014, 04:28 PM
I currently have about 30 three week old fry doing fine, eating real good, BBS, cut up FDBW from Al, and crushed tetra bits. A friend wants to buy 20 of them, but will PU, box for shipment USPS priority mail from San Antonio TX to Edinburg TX. What do you all think this would be okay, or just grown them out some more before selling? I'm not in making money thing, just doing for the hobby, let nature take it course type of approach.

My advice, its always best to grow out your fry for as long as can before you sell them.If you do they will have the best chance of surviving and thriving, and you'll be more likely to send out the best fish. If you are not in a hurry I'd raise them up some more and put some more size on them. You've put the time in to breeding them,and growing them to this point.. A few more weeks won't hurt will it? Also , You say you have a group of 30 3 week fry...if you send 20 now , you'll have 10 small fry by themselves. I've always found that fry that small grow better when they are in a good size group..They seem to feed more aggressively and grow more uniformly. Just my experience.


08-22-2014, 04:54 PM
30 day Discus are still fairly small, they sometime stick to the inside of the plastic bags above the water, their weight is still too light to drop back in the water.
You may want to check out the Kordon breather bags, they might work out better.


08-22-2014, 07:14 PM
Thanks guys for the reply. For the health of the fish will just hang on them all for awhile and give them the best care possible, goal is to have quality fish.7

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08-22-2014, 10:46 PM
My advice, its always best to grow out your fry for as long as can before you sell them.If you do they will have the best chance of surviving and thriving, and you'll be more likely to send out the best fish. If you are not in a hurry I'd raise them up some more and put some more size on them. You've put the time in to breeding them,and growing them to this point.. A few more weeks won't hurt will it? Also , You say you have a group of 30 3 week fry...if you send 20 now , you'll have 10 small fry by themselves. I've always found that fry that small grow better when they are in a good size group..They seem to feed more aggressively and grow more uniformly. Just my experience.


I would stand by what both John and Al say. There are many ways to interpritate this. If your friend who wants them and is well expirienced with discus (5 years and raised many batches of discus fry) no problem. But it appears it all seems a bit sketchy a group of 30 is a good size to keep together to grow out I wouldn't try much less unless forced to. I would keep them as the 30 get too crouded and then move them on. Fry / young discus can adapt well at young ages but like all the extremety is what will knock them about.

08-23-2014, 09:09 AM
Thanks guys for the reply. For the health of the fish will just hang on them all for awhile and give them the best care possible, goal is to have quality fish.7

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I think thats a wise decision, best of luck with the fry. A few more weeks with you wont hurt if your buddy wants to get them at a later date . :)

08-26-2014, 09:07 PM
Wow, again thanks for all the advise. I treasure whatever John has to say, and follow all info with great success since starting with discus. Well here's an update of the fry hitting the four week mark: http://youtu.be/IVzy2RudlHY

Keith Perkins
08-26-2014, 10:02 PM
Pretty hard to clearly see the fish in that video, but I like the coloration on them.

08-26-2014, 10:02 PM
I picked up a few fry from Jim a few weeks ago they were really small. I promise you that the water at his place is different from the water at mine.

Jim had a successful batch? how did that happen?


08-26-2014, 10:07 PM
Well Jim said he spawned them.....

Farebox looks like you are doing a good job with them.


08-27-2014, 03:40 AM
Good looking fry there Farebox, some active little fellows :)

08-27-2014, 09:46 AM
Thanks guy, remember you got first dives on them when ready....

08-27-2014, 06:49 PM
Thanks guy, remember you got first dives on them when ready....

Thank you my friend :) I have a tank all setup and ready for them already. Can't wait, I am excited!!!!

08-28-2014, 12:41 PM
They're lookin good, nice job :)