View Full Version : Tank Question

Bud Smith
08-22-2014, 06:04 PM
I bought a new acrylic tank and the manufacturer taped paperwork on the inside of the tank on the bottom. I got the tape off but it left a very sticky residue on the acrylic. There are products that will remove this type of tape residue but will it leave a residue in the tank that will kill the discus even after cleaning the tank? Anybody ever had this problem? never had tape like this in a new tank before.

Champion Discus
08-22-2014, 06:15 PM
Is it silicone residue? If it is just add water and rub it off with your fingers. Or add kitchen vinegar (double check on this with acrylic)...

08-22-2014, 07:00 PM
white vinegar and rinse it. Rufus

Bud Smith
08-22-2014, 07:02 PM
Is it silicone residue? If it is just add water and rub it off with your fingers. Or add kitchen vinegar (double check on this with acrylic)...

no silicone - some nasty tape

Bud Smith
08-22-2014, 07:11 PM
white vinegar and rinse it. Rufus

already did that - took some off - will repeat it a couple of times - thanks

Champion Discus
08-22-2014, 07:33 PM
Ok i see. Try using a soft toothbrush with caution to not scratch the surface, use a circular motion. But on the safe side keep trying with your fingers truly the best option....if you don't mind the residue just leave it...I don't believe tape residue is harmful (double check)

08-22-2014, 09:23 PM
There are some forms of oil that remove that but I would think that would not be good for the fish. Rufus