View Full Version : acceptable sized tank for 3 adult discus and a couple of plecos...

08-24-2014, 01:10 PM
would be very intrigued to hear any of your answers. I have 3 adult discus (2x 5' and 1x 6.5') a 5' greenphantom pleco and a 4' gold nugget pleco. have had this tank running a few months and all is going well. eating well, colours booming and all very active. I know some of you will say 3 discus isn't enough for a group, but they are all getting along and seem happy. so as asked.... what size tank would you guys find acceptable for fish I have? i wont say what size tank i am keeping them in until i hear some of your views :)

08-24-2014, 01:14 PM
People normally say 75 gallon tank is the good start out tank for keeping discus.


08-24-2014, 01:16 PM
75 gallon for so little fish?

Second Hand Pat
08-24-2014, 01:19 PM
I also think a 75 is a great size for your current population.

08-24-2014, 03:26 PM
I have 3 adult discus (2x 5' and 1x 6.5') a 5' greenphantom pleco and a 4' gold nugget pleco.

Actually I think you'll need more like a 7,500 gallon tank. Especially since they're 5 feet and 6.5 feet.

Just joshing with ya :) But seriously, listen to John and Pat. Good luck!

08-25-2014, 08:38 AM
I guess it depends on your goals. If your goal is to keep 3 fish going for a few months then it really does not matter. If your goals is to keep the fish healthy for several years then you need a 75 with 3 more fish. On occasion you can find a smaller number that works. Discus are like every other animal on the planet. Some are more aggressive that others. You may have gotten three really laid back one. When we give advice it is based on what is the correct answer for the vast majority of the people in this situation. Also the most natural thing for healthy animals to do is to breed. When they breed the aggression will normally increase. One of the thing that discus of marginal health do is to not breed. I wonder if this is what we are seeing in this case. Fish that are healthy enough to live but not to spawn. They could also be 3 males but even in the case 2 of them will normally gang up on the other.


01-11-2015, 03:56 PM
i will say a minimum of 75 gallon.

01-11-2015, 05:27 PM
I don't think you need a 75 gallon for three fish. It'd be ideal to give them that much room, but you could get away with less if you properly cared for them and addressed the water quality.

I was keeping four young adults in a 40 breeder with a bristlenose pleco and it was going pretty well. But it really depends on the quality of care you provide. Tank size versus size/number of fish is relevant, but it's not the only factor.

If you're keeping them in anything less than a 30 or 40 gallon tank, then they're either A) really cramped, or B) not as big as you think they are. A hefty, healthy adult discus (6"+) would fill up anything less to the point it wouldn't be able to move around well.