View Full Version : Pink Slime making a comeback in the USA>ewwww!

08-31-2014, 09:35 AM
Guys remember those pink slime issues a few years ago? Some companies in the Beef Industry were under fire for using ammonium hydroxide gas to kill bacteria on finely processed bits of scrap meat and connective tissues and then adding it to ground beef and selling it to various restaurants and school lunch programs. Sounds so yummy! The term pink slime was coined and there was a hugepublic back lash. Many restaurants stopped using it. Supposedly its safe according to the FDA, but the chemicals themselves are not.

Well its back... supposedly the rise in beef prices is responsible for the renewed interest in this cheap filler. So now in addition to ecoli and salmonella out breaks, you have to consider what else is in that ground beef this labor day at your barb-qs. Personally I'd rather eat ground Beefheart than pink slime.

Just though I would mention it, if you have concerns, you might want to ask your suppliers if they grind their own burgers there...you'll probably get a much better tasting and pink slime free burger.

Bon appetit!


08-31-2014, 10:09 AM
Yummy, pink slime and carbon monoxide too!



08-31-2014, 08:52 PM
I wonder if Pink Slime would make a good substitute for Beef Heart with our fish. From what I remember from news reports it is a low fat product. I wonder where I can get a few pounds : )

Second Hand Pat
09-03-2014, 09:45 AM
If this is true in the US makes one want to raise and butcher your own meat. Damn.


09-03-2014, 09:57 AM
I like the dark creepy piano riff they keep playing in the background of that vid Pat - very creepy hahaha.