View Full Version : Hikari Frozen Bloodworms

09-01-2014, 05:00 PM
Is it ok to feed Hikari Frozen Bloodworms daily instead of beefheart ?

Does anyone know a good place to buy them ? My LFS sell them for $4-$5 for the 3.5oz cubes pack, looking for a cheaper way to get them.

09-01-2014, 05:41 PM
They don't have the same protein amounts. Look at freeze dried black worms from al instead. They are way better than bloodworms or you could get frozen beef heart from store if you don't wanna make your own

09-01-2014, 05:43 PM
Look at freeze dried black worms from al instead.


09-01-2014, 09:32 PM
You can get a pound for about nine bucks from Ken's FIsh.

09-01-2014, 10:37 PM
Hikari bloodworms are good occasionally but their not really meant to be a complete diet. As in the above posts, the protein content is relatively low and the price is relatively high, even buying the 2 lb. slabs.

Depending on how many fish you want to feed there are brand name beef heart products available that may make economic sense if you're not into making your own. Actually it's not that difficult. I like the recommendations for freeze dried blackworms, and will seek this out myself.

In an earlier post, "Is Flake Food Not Enough"
it gets into feeding routines using high protein, quality manufactured foods . It's important to find foods that are sustainable and affordable and relatively high in protein. A variety of quality foods is the way to go.

09-07-2014, 07:57 PM
Worms, beefheart, shrimp, pellets, and flakes all have roughly the same about of protein per weight, accounting for water. Flakes are snacks, thought, there's just not enough mass there to feed properly and they're quick to foul water. Beefheart can also foul water. FWIW in nature Discus eat shrimp, worms and larvae. Never hurts to feed them a varied diet of all of the above...no twinkies though :)