View Full Version : looking for info on Red Diamond strain

Dutch dude
09-07-2014, 11:00 AM
Hi there,

I have some old books and I found some pics of a strain labeled as Red Diamonds. I found out that the first version of the Red Diamonds had almost solid red females along with semi-royal en royal discus. I also noticed some do seem to have a dotted pattern along with blue and red striations. Can anyone tell me how this old strain from the 80's was developed?

Thanks in advantage.

Dutch dude
09-07-2014, 11:27 AM
Here a link to an older post with some very nice pics of old strains also including Red Diamonds.


William Palumbo
09-07-2014, 12:20 PM
Lo Wing Yat had the FIRST Red Diamonds and I always loved those. IMO WWFF had the BEST Discus out there. Not sure how or why the current RD's have that name now...Bill

Dutch dude
09-07-2014, 01:23 PM
Hi Bill,

Good to see you reply to my post. Have you checked the link? I really love those old strains and body proportions and imo much closer to wild fish compared to the modern strains. I'm particularly interested in the Red Diamonds because they seem to be a hybrid between a RSG and a red based haraldi. If so I look for info how this strain was developed or how I could bring back such a strain. I hope my F1 give me the opportunity to do so. (Lago Amana x Nhamunda red -> check the wild section)