View Full Version : Took my youngest 2 to the Aggie's game this weekend.

09-08-2014, 09:09 AM
Made a trip back to Aggieland this weekend. I am ashamed to say this but it was the first time that the youngest had been on campus.

First stop was outside my old dorm. When I was there it did not have air conditioning.....I guess the younger generation is getting soft...LOL.

http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y14/DiscusJohn/20140906_145806_zps04e7516a.jpg (http://s2.photobucket.com/user/DiscusJohn/media/20140906_145806_zps04e7516a.jpg.html)

Then spent some time on campus and she did a little tree climbing.

http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y14/DiscusJohn/20140906_163531_zps2255b0c8.jpg (http://s2.photobucket.com/user/DiscusJohn/media/20140906_163531_zps2255b0c8.jpg.html)

http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y14/DiscusJohn/20140906_163537_zps77af5c78.jpg (http://s2.photobucket.com/user/DiscusJohn/media/20140906_163537_zps77af5c78.jpg.html)

http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y14/DiscusJohn/20140906_163549_zpsd062da62.jpg (http://s2.photobucket.com/user/DiscusJohn/media/20140906_163549_zpsd062da62.jpg.html)

http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y14/DiscusJohn/20140906_163611_zps5861c22e.jpg (http://s2.photobucket.com/user/DiscusJohn/media/20140906_163611_zps5861c22e.jpg.html)

At our seats for the game. Even with a 2 hour 15 minute storm delay we had a blast.

http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y14/DiscusJohn/20140906_174902_zps842a40e2.jpg (http://s2.photobucket.com/user/DiscusJohn/media/20140906_174902_zps842a40e2.jpg.html)

My 2 youngest.

http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y14/DiscusJohn/20140906_180537_zpsc46a43c0.jpg (http://s2.photobucket.com/user/DiscusJohn/media/20140906_180537_zpsc46a43c0.jpg.html)

And the sunset.

http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y14/DiscusJohn/20140906_192740_zpsab2d2176.jpg (http://s2.photobucket.com/user/DiscusJohn/media/20140906_192740_zpsab2d2176.jpg.html)

09-08-2014, 09:24 AM
Very cool , John.

09-08-2014, 10:22 PM
Thanks buddy.


09-08-2014, 10:46 PM
Gotta love college football games! Looks like a fun time. I missed the trip Clemson took to College Station back in 2004. Its a bit nerve racking when you take pictures of the sunset from the upper deck and it looks like you took it at 32k feet haha, way up there looking straight down.

09-08-2014, 10:48 PM
child abuse.

09-08-2014, 11:07 PM
child abuse.

Good daddy :)

09-09-2014, 07:05 AM
Looks like you had a lot of fun. Good bonding.


Second Hand Pat
09-09-2014, 08:46 AM
Cool John, these are the times you will remember once the girls are grown and gone. Enjoy them as they grow so quick. Charlie is strong in the older one and both are adorable.

09-09-2014, 09:29 PM
Nice family, your best spawn.

09-09-2014, 10:13 PM
LOL...Thanks everybody...except Jim......


09-10-2014, 08:37 AM
Looks like a fun time John. Glad you got to get out with them for a bit. Nothing better than family time with kids.:)


Thats one awesome tree for climbing! Live Oak?

09-10-2014, 08:45 AM
Thanks Al. Yep its a live oak. The campus has lots of really old oaks on it.
