View Full Version : Soaking food in Metro Question?

09-11-2014, 04:51 PM
Ive seen some of my discus few weeks ago with white poop. i have a 300gal tank and id rather not treat whole tank with metro and do daily WC 7-10 days.
ive gone thru PP and furan 2 to treat bacterial infection recently and still wanna treat with metro. altho i havent seen white poop recently.

All my discus eat FDBW from Al eagerly. 90% eat Bills Super BH flakes but 3 dont. i also have Kens metro/garlic flakes and id say maybe 60% eat it but not much.

so based on this, im thinking soaking FDBW in metro but do i first dissolve metro powder in cup of tank water and then soak FDBW in for 30min then feed?
whats best way?

09-12-2014, 01:11 PM
This was the advice given to me last week.
"No need to presoak the fdbw's that long, they will absorb all the water/medication they can in about 2-3 minutes."

09-12-2014, 02:26 PM
What concentration of metro do i soak in?

09-15-2014, 12:31 PM
I was using metro from seachem i just put a couple of little scoops in and let them soak.

09-15-2014, 03:28 PM
If they'll accept flake, and most Discus should, there is also a good Metro flake from Angels Plus. I also add Metro to Beef heart by unfreezing, adding back and refreezing.