View Full Version : white slime floating in water???

09-16-2014, 02:04 PM
about 2 weeks into my new 100 gal with 5 discus in and some tetras (soon to be 6 discus). today, after a 40% water change, ive noticed some bits of white slime floating in the water. have never seen this before? ive done a little research online and it says this is a sign of over feeding, which is impossible as my discus have only had one feeding since getting them 5 days ago (very shy, only started eating last night). any help would be great.

09-16-2014, 02:12 PM
Lacking a more detailed description of the "white slime" in your tank, it could be bacteria buildup breaking away from inside the tubing used to refill your tank. It happens regularly in my tank. Alternatively, it could be something growing on driftwood/etc that gets dislodged by the current during a water change.

09-16-2014, 02:46 PM
well basically, its strings of white slime about 3cm long floating around in the water. have no other way to describe it lol. only noticed it today for the first time. ive netted some of it out and its got a slimy snotty feel to it. very confused.

09-16-2014, 03:33 PM
ive found the problem. its white slime algea building up on my manzanita driftwood. have heard that it will go away on its own over time, nothing can be done but just keep cleaning it until it goes away.... bare tank sounds more and more appealing everyday lol

09-16-2014, 10:51 PM
I've had the driftwood slime problem too. It's unsightly, but otherwise not an issue. It will stop growing when the nutrients in the wood (sap, basically) are used up/dissipated. I've seen it recur a half dozen times. so patience is called for.

09-16-2014, 11:35 PM
Small bristlenose plecos will keep driftwood spotless of slime and algae, so that's something to consider in the future. Of course, they'll convert that into tons of feces which you'll be vacuuming constantly.

Remember that discus also shed slime coat into the water sometimes, and you can sometimes see this after water changes.

09-17-2014, 01:31 AM
I've also heard that the Plecos like the slime coat on discus. Just be careful, when they finish working over your driftwood and run out of slime there, they might take a liking to your discus.

09-17-2014, 11:42 AM
well im pleased to say my blue phantom pleco has taken a liking to it. ive just got in from work and hes eaten every bit of it off my wood! :)