View Full Version : water parameter

10-05-2014, 10:37 AM
hi everyone
I a new and this is my first post .I am confuse about water for breeding discus.can somebody explain to me please.I reed about tds so match and I would like to ask about this.
my tds from RO its 7 and I always mix RO with tap water to set up tds on 60ppm.but with this tds its coming only 10 to 20 fry.did I need to show moor attention to kh and gh or I need to set up match better tds for breeding and don't bee worried about kh and gh?.I had two pairs and they are excellent parents but always small number on fry.I also use MB solution for eggs protection.
I willy need help about this.
regards to everybody.
sorry about y English I am from eastern Europe.

10-05-2014, 12:36 PM
Welcome to the forum.
By choice, I have not developed a good deal of experience breeding discus, and I wouldn't want to lead you astray.
I'm quite sure an experienced breeder or two will provide you with some good advice soon.
Best of luck to you.

10-06-2014, 12:21 AM
When you say that your only getting 10-20 fry, are you getting decent size clutches of eggs?
If so try dropping your TDS down to 30-40 and see if this helps. I don't know your water so be sure to monitor ph.

10-06-2014, 08:10 PM
yes I have lots off fry and on the first day all egs are ok, on second , only 10 are white and last 10 hours mostly off eggs going white only 10 to 20 hatching.I try one spawn one week ago with tds down and all eggs stay brown to last day but no one came out fro egg,wary strange,I never don't seen eggs after 72 hour stay all brown but no fry.I put mb solution also.
thanks for your advice I will check ph and try lower tds.

10-07-2014, 08:28 AM
How much water are you changing and how often? What are you feeding the pair?


10-07-2014, 08:59 AM
Hi John
i change water every day till I pair start to laid eggs on con.from this moment to hatching time I don't touch water.I seth up parameters and leave like this for 72 hours.I fed the with tetra bits ,flake food and beef heart mix.

10-07-2014, 09:13 AM
Why do you stop changing water? The most important time for the fry is when they are developing. I would suggest that you keep changing water next time.


10-07-2014, 10:57 AM
I stop changing water because I a scare to mes my parameters and change them.I keep discus more then 10 years and last couple years I start to breed the.pair what I have are excellent parents and no issues 10 or 20 fry they keep the on body 2 week.this is what bothering me with god parents I cannot make water for more fry, and I have RO.I a big lover on discus and all these years I keep only discus never don't keep another fish its always been discus.I wil duet like you said and will see what will gonna bee next spawn.John thanks for all your advices and help and I respect your experience for discus fish.