View Full Version : New to discus - dark color / staying in corner

10-08-2014, 02:19 PM
Good day all and thanks for the help.

Ill start with what I have - 50 gallon tank, 84 farenheit ( 2 heaters/ 2 thermometers), feeding 3 times/day ( 2x flake and 1x frozen blood worms). I have read and am doing 50% water changes every 2 days - religiously.

I bought 2 discus ( 2 inchs) 2 weeks ago and when I got them, they were hiding but then started coming out and eating a few days after. everything was fine... now, one of the 2 discus seems to be black along the tail and around its face area. Its still eating but just chilling in the corner.
Water parameters are all good, temp is good....
Could it be that I only have 2 discus and some siamese algea eaters? Would more reduce stress? I am planning on getting more but am looking for specific colors.

Thanks again for the help and advice on what to do.

I can try and upload pics if that would help - I have been keeping fish for a long time and it doesnt look like a disease or fungus, just angry discus color...

10-08-2014, 03:55 PM
Yes, a picture would help..... I am guessing
1. The Siamese are attacking the poor guy
2. internal worms

if you have another tank, try taking the Siamese away and see how He reacts
if it is worms, He can be treated as long as He is eating, check the poop if the is a bit whiter (Metro can cure that)

10-08-2014, 04:00 PM
Welcome to the forum.
It would be best if you would fill in the questionnaire located in the Disease section to enable members to better help you with this situation.

However, at least please outline whether your tank is bare-bottom or planted. I suspect the latter since you mention having some SAE's in the tank along with those 2 baby discus, if I understand correctly. How many & what size are they ? It strikes me that they could be making moves (perhaps at night) to partake of the discus' slime coats as part of their diet - and this has really stressed out the youngsters, hence one's stopping eating & turning black.

It's possible too that the sae's have passed on something contaminating to the discus, as another possible occurrence.

I would recommend removing those sae's from the tank, perhaps making some other changes also, and upping your water changes to daily, for proper growing out purposes. And yes, later on you should consider getting a few more of those discus - (with suitable quarantine) - there's safety & comfort with numbers when it comes to discus.
Let's start with this- ok?

10-09-2014, 10:50 AM
It could be internal worms and also Siamese Algae Eaters can be very nasty and aggressive to shy natured Discus. They're not good tank mates. Also two Discus isn't a good combo.

Unless they're paired, one will usually dominated the other and stress out the less dominant fish. It's recommended to have 5-6 to disperse aggression.

Posting this to the Disease Section may also be helpful. Send pictures.

10-09-2014, 11:52 AM
For heavens sake don't give medicine, so many things wrong here. Paul is right we need disease questionaire but here goes;

To my mind 2 X 2.5" discus, are very stressed not eating, not enough discus and they are not happy in that set up

Waaaaay, too much food for water changes every two days!! In a bare tank even a 50gallon, you should have closer to 10 as a group, painted back and sides and bottom (outside of the tank painted white) feed every 8 hours and siphon any left food Each time after 15 mins. Change 70% per day, or less twice a day

The black around their faces is often a sign of lack of oxygen, while this can be flukes it's more likely in this case horrible water conditions

Tank mates with such small discus is a bad idea, period.

Can you get a 20gallon or bigger tank to put them in? Paint the outside back, bottom and sides, air stone and sponge filter and heater, and see how they do? You need a bigger group to be very successful though.