View Full Version : Neurotic

10-11-2014, 02:43 PM
I am away from my fish for the first time in 5 weeks and can't stop thinking about them. I wouldn't mind heading back home but I think my son might be a bit more important. We are down at Radford for parents weekend until Sunday.

This is bad...

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Second Hand Pat
10-11-2014, 02:48 PM
I would say typical Greg...sad huh

Larry Bugg
10-11-2014, 02:53 PM
Yup, been there done that.

10-11-2014, 04:38 PM
This one has to go in the *you know your addicted to discus when....* hall of fame !! :D


10-11-2014, 05:00 PM
Welcome to the club. LOL


10-12-2014, 12:18 AM
lol I cancelled my annual winter break trip to Denver because of my discus, and have no social life whatsoever for a 21 year old because my head is either digging in chemistry, research, or my tanks. At least I have a very patient and understanding girlfriend :D

10-12-2014, 12:40 AM
lol I cancelled my annual winter break trip to Denver because of my discus, and have no social life whatsoever for a 21 year old because my head is either digging in chemistry, research, or my tanks. At least I have a very patient and understanding girlfriend :D

you SO win the *you know your addicted to discus when.....* AWARD lolol !! :drummer:

10-12-2014, 12:26 PM
It's crazy isn't it!!!! Welcome to the rehab center for discus addiction!! By the way, rehab doesn't work but we need to look like we are trying! LOL! Rufus

10-12-2014, 07:22 PM
It was bad. Three hours down the road, after we left for Radford, my brain starts "did I plug the heater back in?" "Did I turn the HOB back on after the water change?" "Did I forget the prime?" and on, and on, and on.
We're back home now and this is what greeted me

Alive, happy, and hungry!

I still think I need therapy though...

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10-13-2014, 11:34 AM
It's called OCCD (Obsessive Compulsive Discus Disorder). When my main reason for wanting to move from my current apartment to one more Discus friendly, mainly larger for more tanks, then I may be suffering from it.

Right now while I'm at work I'm stressing/hoping that my new breeding pair will finally have a viable clutch that will stay on their backs.

Good post MusicMan1, http://forum.simplydiscus.com/showth...cted+to+discus and very true.

10-13-2014, 02:55 PM
".....When my main reason for wanting to move from my current apartment to one more Discus friendly, mainly larger for more tanks, then I may be suffering from it."

"may be suffering from it?" I am told that one of the first steps to recovery, is to first admit that you do have a problem." LOL.