View Full Version : When to upgrade growout tank?

10-20-2014, 07:20 PM
Hi all, I did some searching and couldn't find this info... my apologies if this has been asked a million times.

I currently have 6 juvie discus at about 1.5" in a barebottom 20 gallon high tank. I'm feeding 3-4 times a day and changing 95% of the water daily. They seem like they have plenty of room for right now, but hopefully they will grow quickly, and I'm wondering at what size I should get them into a larger tank. Also, would a 40 breeder barebottom be ok for a while? My eventual plan is to move them into a 90 gallon in the living room with sand substrate (this won't happen for a while). Could I get them large enough in a 40 breeder to put them into a 90 with substrate (75 if I have to cheap out), or should I figure out a way to cram another 55 in my fishroom? Thanks in advance. :D

10-20-2014, 07:46 PM
Your young ones will likely be quite ok in the 20 gal until they reach around 3". At that point if they seem to have sufficient space, you might leave them till they get to 3.5 " or so. Then you could move them directly into a 75 gal (preferably, rather than 90 gals).
This would save you the intermediate step of placing them into the 40 gal @ 3" - because if you do they wouldn't be in there very long before you'd need to move them again.
And you should avoid moving them too many times, too often, so as to stress them as little as possible.

10-20-2014, 07:59 PM
I appreciate the reply... my problem is, I don't currently have an open 75 or 90. It was intended to be a later purchase for their permanent home, a display tank with sand substrate. From the research I've been doing here, I didn't think a tank with substrate was appropriate for discus at 3.5". It will be easy for me to get a 40 BR set up in the fishroom, but if that isn't sufficient to house them until a tank with sand substrate no longer presents an obstacle to growth, then perhaps I need to rethink and go with a 55 for their second tank. I don't think there will be a way for me to avoid using a second tank for growing out before upgrading to a permanent tank.

10-20-2014, 09:09 PM
Well, growing out your 1.5" discus to 3.5" will likely take 3 months or so. Would a 55 gal up to 75 gal be feasible for you in that future timeframe?
3.5" discus would do fine in a tank of the size(s) I've mentioned above, with just a moderate layer of pool filter sand only, until they grew out another 1" or 1.5", to around the 4.5"- 5" size, at which point you could then further decorate and plant your display tank the way you wish. Does that scenario sound like a plausible approach for you ?

Otherwise, you could alternatively use the 40 for a while, or a 55 - bb - and then complete the display tank of your choice on the permanent basis that you desire.
That one more move shouldn't seriously affect the fish. It's just preferable to minimize it if you can.
Best of luck to you.

10-20-2014, 09:39 PM
Looks like I have a lot to think over! I may just go with a bare bottom 40 or 55 for a while... I want to go with a minimum of 75 gallons for their permanent home, because I'd also like to keep a group of sterbai Corydoras with them.

10-20-2014, 10:07 PM
Sounds good.
A 75 gal lightly planted tank with DW & PFS makes a wonderful display tank, which will easily accommodate your 6 discus, a moderate group of say 6 to 8 Cories, and if you also wish, a reasonably good-sized school (20) of Cardinal Tetras, or Rummy-Noses, or Lemons, whatever you fancy in the tetra line of species.
Let us know how your plans develop.

OC Discus
10-20-2014, 10:33 PM
The 40g would be easier for the heavy feeding and daily water change period. I don't think it would stunt their growth if they quickly grow from 3" to 6" in the 40g, then move them to a 75 or 90. They will continue to grow into the second year. You could grow some jumbos if you can keep up that routine.

Looks like I have a lot to think over! I may just go with a bare bottom 40 or 55 for a while... I want to go with a minimum of 75 gallons for their permanent home, because I'd also like to keep a group of sterbai Corydoras with them.

Larry Bugg
10-20-2014, 11:01 PM
I'm a big fan of 40's and I believe you should have no issues growing them out to young adulthood as long as you continue with the same wc routine.

10-21-2014, 12:01 PM
I personally LOVE the 40 breeder tanks, this is because they are not that tall at 16 inches, and they are the biggest tanks i can recall that have no center bracing. so cleanup after my fish is a total BREEZE. no need to restart a siphon or anything like that, just whiz the tube around the bottom as the water drains to 5% and refill.

10-21-2014, 03:46 PM
You can always find a 37 gal high tank. I use this from 1" to 2.5". I can do 90% water changes daily. It is a great starter until you get a 55 or 75 gal tank.

10-22-2014, 08:35 PM
I think a 40 BR is going to be the easiest thing for me to do. I already have a stand to hold it that just has some stacked up 10 gal's on top of it, so I'll pick up another at the next Petco dollar/gal sale. We already have a couple of other 40 BRs, but of course they are already stocked. LOL. Anyway, this will buy me time to find a good deal on a 75 or 90 setup, and I'll need another canister or two, etc. I do appreciate all the comments here- although I would not consider myself a novice fishkeeper, I still have much to learn about discus. :)