View Full Version : My most successful Discus Group

10-23-2014, 11:29 AM
Hi Everyone,

I rarely ever post show off threads, but I wanted to share my success. Last year I purchased 8 discus off of *(I think his name was Walter) as he was hard pressed to move. First, thank you Walter! What a great guy! For the first 8-10 months I did daily and sometimes 2x daily water changes. I wanted to ensure a successful batch. For several years I have been cursed with some disease I could never get rid of. I finally got rid of everything connected with those failed attempts and started over.

When I picked up these Juvis I had almost a 2hr car ride home. No air pump or heater. It was a race to get home before these guys suffocated. However, using a straw and doing my best, I managed to save them all. The pictures below are from last year August.

10-23-2014, 11:33 AM
I guess my pictures are too big. I will re-post smaller ones later.

10-23-2014, 12:27 PM
Looking forward to seeing them, let me know if you need help posting the pictures :)