View Full Version : PLEASE READ AND HELP!!! Desperate need of EXPERT advice!!! Greatly appreciated!!!

10-25-2014, 11:11 AM
So I bought a breeding pair of Blue Diamonds months ago in hopes to pursue breeding (for fun of course). But the female of the pair (which was not a proven pair btw) just never took well to the transport and within days she was turning black and hiding and got cloudy eyes so I removed her from my show tank (as I did not have my breeding tank cycled as of yet) and began to quarantine and treat her. This was literally almost 6 months ago and it has been an up and down battle by the week ... she has at times been literally dark dark, not eating, hiding behind the filter with pure cloudy eyes laying on her side .... to now getting back to her brilliant blue, eating well, greeting me as I enter the room and just generally really on the upward climb but still has some dark slime to one side of her body. I just really don't have the experience to know when I should reintroduce her to the other fish, whether that is just the male she came with in a breeding tank or into one of my show tanks. I really pride myself that Ive not given up on her and even though in the Discus world I am very very new I have obsessed and studied and read and read and read everything I possibly could ... with a few mistakes along the way and one Discus loss that I'll never forgive myself for that was a result of parasitic plants but as of now have very healthy thriving tanks .... ANYWAYS in the mean time of all this drama my big, strong, beautiful blue diamond male has found himself a new mate in my big tank with an equally impressive Red Fuji (or Melon). They are both one of my highest quality fish and they have now laid eggs twice in the last week, they both guard them side by side and fend off the other fish and only eventually at the end of the day will he go eat them. Now these eggs are all useless anyway as I do not use RO water in this tank but I do have the filter, it is just a matter of figuring out how the hell to set it up. My question is, is it worth my time and energy letting these 2 spawn? What color of strain will I get from these batches if I pursue this? and is there any chance that he would take interest in the Blue Diamond female again after all of her struggles? I really think these two have the potential to be very good parents as they are not fighting eachother and I think the only reason the eggs do get eaten is because he would rather eat them then let any of the other Discus eat them but of course I won't know till they are separated. Anybody with any idea which path to take please help! In regards to anything! Thanks in advance!

Second Hand Pat
10-25-2014, 11:48 AM
Hi Caitie, I am not up of the PB based domestic strains (being a wilds keeper :o) but if your melon is a PB it would not be a good pairing with your BD. I am sure other members will chime in on this.

Regarding your BD female. I would wait until she is totally 100% before adding her with any other discus. If you decide to just add the male then she will need to be prime condition as I bet he will be bugging her to spawn.


10-25-2014, 11:55 AM
So you think that once she's in full health he'll re-pair with her? as long as they are separated I imagine .... how do I tell if she's %100? why is only one side of her a little darker with slime coat but the other side is blue blue? I don't know how long this is supposed to take I've been nursing her forever and the more I think about it something must have not been right before I even got her home because it was just a downward spiral after that. Ive done treatments of tetracycline, then quick cure, then furan 2 .... literally everything I have read about ive tried and like I said now she's in good spirits and I haven't treated the tank for probably 2-3 months, but I just don't know what to look for anymore. It's kind of like either live or die! pick one! lol this in between crap is driving me mental!

Second Hand Pat
10-25-2014, 12:17 PM
He might. You will just have to try it. On the female it can take awhile for a fish to fully recover from all the meds. Can you post some pictures of the female or even a video?

10-25-2014, 02:45 PM
I agree with what Pat says 100% on both accounts.