View Full Version : How to pellitize BH mix

10-28-2014, 12:40 PM
Is there a DIY method known of how to convert the regular BH mixture to pellets of flakes or any irregular shape, while maintaining their nutritional value and integrity of vitamins.

The idea is to store the BH in a more stable form, and let it stand more time in water before fouling.

Any Ideas awe welcome :)

10-28-2014, 12:57 PM
Dan, from California Blackworms.. sponsor here. has freeze dried BH and pellets>. http://forum.simplydiscus.com/showthread.php?115770-Beef-Heart-Mix-as-Baby-Bits-Bits-amp-Sticks

10-28-2014, 01:03 PM
I am not in the US. However, I prefer my own BH mix anyway. Not that I am saying Dan's mix is not good, I just want to make my own and know exactly whats in it.

10-28-2014, 01:30 PM
I am not in the US. However, I prefer my own BH mix anyway. Not that I am saying Dan's mix is not good, I just want to make my own and know exactly whats in it.

probably cheaper if he ships to you internationally.. BUT.. you are talking about making your own fish food.. people do it.. but i don't know how.. youtube it :)

10-28-2014, 01:36 PM
perhaps one could look into general dehydration? no clue if its ok to feed to discus though. could be hard on them.

10-28-2014, 01:39 PM
i know several fish hobbyist to make own pellets.. and sticks.. maybe not in here.. sorry

10-29-2014, 12:22 AM

how about something like a small candy mold from amazon.com?

10-29-2014, 08:13 AM

how about something like a small candy mold from amazon.com?

The main challenge is not dividing cutting the BH mix, its drying it properly to ensure it retained its nutritional value and lost its water so it wont rot.

I googled Freeze drying machines for home and the cheapest was around 3800$ so thats not an option

There are manual ways but i am still researching these

10-29-2014, 08:31 AM
The main challenge is not dividing cutting the BH mix, its drying it properly to ensure it retained its nutritional value and lost its water so it wont rot.

I googled Freeze drying machines for home and the cheapest was around 3800$ so thats not an option

There are manual ways but i am still researching these

I don't know if these businesses exist in your country but in the USA there are businesses that focus on freeze drying Floral arrangements, particularly for weddings and other celebrations. Maybe you can arrange for use there.
Honestly though, unless you have alot of fish or are commercially selling, freeze drying or dehydrating your fish food makes little sense. A freezer can easily store a beefheart mix for 6-9 months or longer ... I used to make 50 pounds at a time here and store it that way fine....zip lock freeze bags , flatten it out to a breakable size...then throw a chunk in. If the mix is a good one, it may foul the water a little, but thats the price we pay for beefheart mixes:)

Hope that helps,

10-29-2014, 07:55 PM

Do you mean somthing like this? What I do is use the food processor to make the beef-heart mix, freeze the beefheart squeezed down flat in a ziploc, and then RE-use the food processor on the frozen stuff. I usually put the processor container and blade in the freezer too, so that it's all chilled when i go to pelletize the frozen stuff.

10-30-2014, 02:48 PM

Do you mean somthing like this? What I do is use the food processor to make the beef-heart mix, freeze the beefheart squeezed down flat in a ziploc, and then RE-use the food processor on the frozen stuff. I usually put the processor container and blade in the freezer too, so that it's all chilled when i go to pelletize the frozen stuff.

That is a good idea for breaking it up into small chunks, but the second part is the important one, which is dehydrating/freeze drying the mix. As Al mentioned it might not make a big difference but its more convenient as I can store it in the cupboard or my fish room and feed it without the need to defrost it.

10-30-2014, 03:00 PM
oops i dont defrost mine, i just drop it in! am i doing something wrong :confused:

11-02-2014, 07:54 AM
oops i dont defrost mine, i just drop it in! am i doing something wrong :confused: Absoluetly not! The tank waters in the 80s the frozen food is just below freezing... it takes moments in the tank to thaw....its not necessary to thaw frozen food at all, iMO. People do it, but just because its done doesn't mean it needs to be done!:)


11-05-2014, 10:58 AM
Absoluetly not! The tank waters in the 80s the frozen food is just below freezing... it takes moments in the tank to thaw....its not necessary to thaw frozen food at all, iMO. People do it, but just because its done doesn't mean it needs to be done!:)


I agree with Al, but only if the BH is thin <or=3mm. I usually take out what I feed for one day and keep it in a plastic box in the fridge and feed from that

11-05-2014, 11:20 AM
Dan, from California Blackworms.. sponsor here. has freeze dried BH and pellets>. http://forum.simplydiscus.com/showthread.php?115770-Beef-Heart-Mix-as-Baby-Bits-Bits-amp-Sticks

I tried those and they breakdown pretty quick in the tank, if your fish dont eat them quickly it will look like you ground up tetra color bits into a powder and dumped it in your tank. Not saying it's a bad product its just a lilltle more messy than I want to deal with.