View Full Version : Netting and handling

10-30-2014, 03:32 PM
How to handle discus out of water if necessary? By hand and if so how would you hold it since they are flat and round? What is a good Net size to buy? I used to Ranchus which are fancy goldfish and I would use my hand to catch and take them out of the water. They were easy hold.

Or use big water holder to take them out of the tank?

10-30-2014, 04:45 PM
You can use your hand or net. I use the biggest net I could find for my bigger ones and a medium net for the juvies. But you can look at the sponsers sections they have pictures of how to hold them.

10-30-2014, 04:46 PM
Basically just lay their side on your palm and cup your fingers around them or use both hand to make sure it doesn't flop off

10-30-2014, 07:36 PM
i really hate the net, mine always have scales missing after, so i use a large round or square opaque tupperware, i learned this from Strawberryblonde who i miss here! and i let them get used to it in the water then scoop em up :o works brilliantly for me

i cover the top with my hand my discus are super fiesty and i see experts like Hans pick them up in his hands but mine act like lemmings and suicide dive all over the show! i have teeny tiny woman hands so maybe that is why

10-30-2014, 09:37 PM
I do the same as Marnie. I have a clear lemonade tupperware that I simply scoop the discus in to. Once out of the water, I put my hand to stop the discus flying out, and I drain the water and this makes them stay still. I use to get them with my hand all the time, but it is just easier with the tupperware because it is clear, and I assume it is harder for them to see it coming. The least amount of stress to move, I have experienced.