View Full Version : They finally got it right...

10-31-2014, 12:08 PM
After 6 months of laying eggs with no signs of life, my Pigeon Carnations (Mike Beals) finally got it right! I wasn't even confident I had a male and female.

Now, it's up to me to do the rest.

Most of my questions have been answered on this sweet forum. One question. I have 2 small sponge filters and an HOB on a 30 gallon...I guess because I like to overdo it. I'm afraid the HOB filter will suck up the little guys as they try to leave the cone. Should I just turn it off and let the sponges do their thing? or will that screw things up more? I don't want to put mommy and daddy in danger either.

OC Discus
10-31-2014, 12:25 PM
If you turn it off for more than a few hours be sure to clean it out before reusing as the bacteria will die and become foul. Im not an expert breeder, but have read enough to say turn it off, flush it out with hot water, and keep up daily water changes for the new babies. Best of luck.

10-31-2014, 01:59 PM
my guess is that just sponges are going to be the best way to go, but calculating the amount of bacteria needed for the water volume and bio load is not my cognitive domain, i know the formula is out there you can find it but maybe one of the breeders here will answer for you