View Full Version : Equipment/Sanitation with multiple tanks

10-31-2014, 02:43 PM
Does everyone use diffent siphons/vaccums, nets, sponges for wiping down tanks etc for each tank or do you use the same equipment for multiple tanks and sanitize it after each use? I totally understand using seperate equipment for a qt/hospital tank and even seperate sponges for wiping down tanks. Was just wondering what eveyone else does and how they do it.

10-31-2014, 10:13 PM
I just got myself set up with separate siphons, nets and everything. On my fish rack, I even have styrofoam between each tank to protect a bit more against cross contamination.

Of course, you can definitely just use the same equipment and sterilize after each use, but I personally dont have time for that when a daily siphoning is needed etc. It would take a fair bit IMO to air out bleached siphons and nets.

11-01-2014, 09:48 AM
I have a few tanks,so I kind of keep it in quadrents,certain hose/net for my breeders,different set for fry,different set for my holding,grow-out ect.

11-01-2014, 09:55 AM
Pretty much yes.


Larry Bugg
11-01-2014, 10:29 AM
Same equipment for all my tanks and no sanatizing. The only thing that needs to be different is the qt tank. Not sure why I would need them all separate. Would you sanatize your arm as you move from tank to tank? If I'm not introducing anything new where is the need?

11-01-2014, 12:07 PM
in my case, all my tanks are essentially their own quarantine but as long as all your fish are totally healthy and share the same conditions, great!

11-01-2014, 01:54 PM
Same equipment for all my tanks and no sanatizing. The only thing that needs to be different is the qt tank. Not sure why I would need them all separate. Would you sanatize your arm as you move from tank to tank? If I'm not introducing anything new where is the need?

Actually Larry,I do try and give a wash when I change.Just incase I do get a little something,it dosent spread.I might not be the most pristeen with my tanks,so this helps me.It works for me,not necessarily everyone.

11-01-2014, 03:36 PM
when i did mix them, i caused all kinds of problems, this was before i really understood cross contamination, i thought my fish were healthy so there would be no problems...i was wrong LOL but that was just my own experience mixing hoses and nets, i dont do that anymore just in case we have different colored hoses now

Larry Bugg
11-01-2014, 09:15 PM
My point is, if your fish are all healthy, and they should be after a proper qt, what is there to spread? What would be the cause of one tank ending up with sick fish and the others not? I don't think I am just lucky. My fish room has been running for over 5 years now and I have never used separate equipment. I have one and only one siphon that is plumbed into my drains with a long hose so it can reach all my tanks. When I do use a net, I use the same one depending on the size needed. I use the same sponge to clean the sides and bottom and do no more than squeeze it out before using it on the next tank. i I have recently lost a discus due to fighting and I have lost a couple in the last year to jumping but I have not lost any to disease in a long time (knock on wood). I have never has an instance with a sick fish in a tank that has been transmitted to another tank. I have 40 tanks ranging from 20 gallons to 220 gallons. If I had to use separate equipment and use "qt" procedures with every tank I would never get all the tanks cleaned and the water changed. If you don't follow STRICT "qt" procedures then what you do do is all for naught. This means that no equipment and no part of you body can move from tank to tank.

DC Discus
11-02-2014, 01:19 PM
Most aquaculture facilities use Povidone-Iodine 10% Solution that you can get at most feed stores, soaking the equipment for 30 minutes. Down side iodine gets on everything; clothes, floors, etc. I use it in an old ice chest that half full and dose until I can see the bottom, about 6-8 cups. For small scale just getting and labeling separate equipment is far easier.
