View Full Version : Breeding pair tank - High PPM?

11-01-2014, 11:54 AM
Just checked the PPM in my pairs breeding tank.

It's reading at 380?! is this too high or is this not a problem?

Thank you!

Altum Nut
11-01-2014, 12:06 PM
It's been done before but fertile rate will be poor.
Your looking at numbers under 100ppm but lower will be better to offer a simple answer.


11-01-2014, 12:08 PM
It's been done before but fertile rate will be poor.
Your looking at numbers under 100ppm but lower will be better to offer a simple answer.


Thanks Ralph. I have an angel pair that are currently producing fry in the same water, the hatch rate is around 90%. Will this be any different for this discus?

Altum Nut
11-01-2014, 04:27 PM
Thanks Ralph. I have an angel pair that are currently producing fry in the same water, the hatch rate is around 90%. Will this be any different for this discus?

I would lure more towards yes...but give it a go and see what happens. They will lay again so can determine if your current water conditions need to be altered.
