View Full Version : New Discus Tank Questions

11-03-2014, 08:01 PM
After long thought, I've decided to setup a discus tank. I'm starting with a 55ga bare bottom tank with 5-6 discus fish and have few questions.

* The bottom of the tank is obviously glass and see thru. Should I paint it or cover it to help discus find food? Or with this not bother them?

* Live blood worms. What are these things? Do they grow in soil or are they some kind of water create? And can I culture them?

* Filters. Right now I've been cycling a tank with 2 AuqaClear HOB and some dwarf gourami's. But been looking into a K1 reactor made from a 2 liter bottle. What are the pros and cons to each. I really like the simplicity of the K1 filter and low power consumption running with just an air stone.

* Heaters. Any recommendation of good heaters? The one I have now seem to be having a hard time hitting and maintaining 84F. It's rated at 300w.

* Along the same lines, temp probes. Everything I have that tells me a temp, reads something different. Again any recommended way to give me accurate temps without spending a ton of money. Looking at a pinpoint temp probe right now.

I'm still researching daily water changes and weather to use RODI water and adjust it or aged tap water with Prime. I plan on using a 55ga drum to hold my fresh water. Then siphon the bottom of the tank daily and perform a 50% water change.

Thanks in advance

11-03-2014, 08:17 PM
After long thought, I've decided to setup a discus tank. I'm starting with a 55ga bare bottom tank with 5-6 discus fish and have few questions.

* The bottom of the tank is obviously glass and see thru. Should I paint it or cover it to help discus find food? Or with this not bother them?
It is recommended that you paint the bottom of the tank(outside) so that there isn't a reflection. Discus tend to spook easiliy, especially at first. Lighter colors I have found work good, and the textured kind you find at Home Depot are even better.

* Live blood worms. What are these things? Do they grow in soil or are they some kind of water create? And can I culture them?
Many people do culture white worms, but you can simply feed a good varied diet with some Freeze Dried Black Worms(FDBW), and your discus will be fine.

* Filters. Right now I've been cycling a tank with 2 AuqaClear HOB and some dwarf gourami's. But been looking into a K1 reactor made from a 2 liter bottle. What are the pros and cons to each. I really like the simplicity of the K1 filter and low power consumption running with just an air stone.
You have to keep in mind that if you have smaller fish in there already, they will only produce a bioload enough to support them. When you add your fish, it will exceed the bio-load that it was able to handle previously. You can do daily water changes to help grow the colony. One of the cons to the 2 liter bottle idea is purly aesthetic. It is a great bacteria catcher.

* Heaters. Any recommendation of good heaters? The one I have now seem to be having a hard time hitting and maintaining 84F. It's rated at 300w.
Are you currently running inline heaters or submersible heaters? If you plan on getting a canister filter, I would recommend the hydor heaters without a doubt.

* Along the same lines, temp probes. Everything I have that tells me a temp, reads something different. Again any recommended way to give me accurate temps without spending a ton of money. Looking at a pinpoint temp probe right now.
I bought a TDS pen that has a temp gauge and that is very helpful. Over the years I have noticed that almost all electrical probes are off, some a little, and some ridiculous amounts. You can't beat an old fashion glass thermometer though. I'm still researching daily water changes and weather to use RODI water and adjust it or aged tap water with Prime. I plan on using a 55ga drum to hold my fresh water. Then siphon the bottom of the tank daily and perform a 50% water change.

Thanks in advance

My answers in RED. Welcome to the forum :)

11-03-2014, 08:56 PM
Thanks for the quick reply.

Tds meter for temp. Why didn't I think of that. I have several from my reefing days.

I run submersible heaters.

Not planning on a canister filter. Either HOB or K1 pop bottle.

11-03-2014, 09:32 PM
In that case, many really like the Eheim Jager's I believe. I will let them chime in here though with the actual models and such, I've always used inline heaters.

11-04-2014, 06:32 AM
Eheim Jager. That's the ticket!

11-04-2014, 10:31 AM
Those Jager heaters are so darn big. But I'll look into a couple.

11-04-2014, 10:33 AM
Oh, any suggestion on what paint to use for the background?

I like the light blue I've seen on some tanks. Not sure what color it's called??


11-04-2014, 02:17 PM
In searching the internet, bloodworms are midge larvae? And they live in water until they hatch.

A type of non-biting fly?

11-04-2014, 02:24 PM
You can paint the outside bottom of the tank or simply tape paper on it. Just so they do not see through it. I personally think a good homemade beef heart mix is far and a way the best food for discus. In the vast majority of places you do not need RO to keep discus....so unless you are trying to breed them or have really, really bad water I would not mess with it. Aging your water is a good idea. it cannot hurt anything. Best temp is 82. Be sure to buy from a good source.


11-04-2014, 02:50 PM
I ran some RO water and tested it. It was below the test kits ability to read GH and KH. I think PH was at 6.6.

My tap water GH and KH was more like 5 and 7 on an API kit (I'll have to double check tonight). I think I can get by with aged tap water or 50/50 tap and RO.

I'm using API test kits.
