View Full Version : Filtration and Air Pump

11-03-2014, 11:10 PM
Is there much difference in the blue vs the black sponge filters?

And I'm looking for a fairly quiet 4 output air pump. Suggestions? Am I better off running single output pump and run it through a 4 way gang?

Appreciate the help


11-03-2014, 11:50 PM
blue sponges vs black sponges is merely a difference of color, but there are TONS of sponge filter designs.

In your case, I would avoid everything and just go for the most foolproof ones available that are relatively cheap, the ATI Hydro Pro V sponges


As far as air pumps, aside from Rena air pumps which are discontinued now, I only use Aquatop and Via Aqua air pumps and they arent anything to brag about, moderate noise and capability. I have had a few fail on me.

People have good things to say about JW pet Fusion air pumps so I shall link those.


Just get 2 pumps just to be prepared for the off chance one pump goes completely bad, the other will keep your fish alive. Diaphragm pumps wear out relatively quickly so dont just rely on one!

Altum Nut
11-03-2014, 11:50 PM
Is there much difference in the blue vs the black sponge filters?

And I'm looking for a fairly quiet 4 output air pump. Suggestions? Am I better off running single output pump and run it through a 4 way gang?

Appreciate the help


I would recommend ATI Hydro-sponge filter #4 or #5 and don't think they come in blue.
As for the pump...it would depend on how far the tanks are spread apart and height. These little guys push lots of air and comes with a 4-way manifold. http://www.kensfish.com/aquarium-supplies/air-pumps/ep-30-electromagnetic-air-pump.html
However, if just running one tank...you can get away with a Whisper, Rena for fairly cheap.
Just remember...I told you so, this hobby tends to be very addicted that always seems to grow in volume so you may have to upgrade sooner then later.


11-04-2014, 06:16 AM
Im having a rough time finding someone in Canada with hydro v without charging me a fortune to ship.

The air pump is for running 3 into my 110 g and one into my 55g.

Thanx a bunch!

Altum Nut
11-04-2014, 09:46 PM
Here are some suggestions but we have a SD member Len who is from Nova Scotia who may be able to help with locations near you.



11-17-2014, 02:36 PM
you could try one of these instead, they work just as good. Hikari USA Inc. - Bacto-Surge Sponge Filter
looks like free shipping at $50

Im having a rough time finding someone in Canada with hydro v without charging me a fortune to ship.

The air pump is for running 3 into my 110 g and one into my 55g.

Thanx a bunch!

11-17-2014, 07:09 PM
The main thing to look for is the size of the pores. For example, ATI has "regular" sponges and they also have "reticulated" sponges. The reticulated sponge line, (their "Pro" line), has a higher flow rate may require a little less maintenance.


11-19-2014, 04:27 PM
As I know air pumps SCHEGO (German made) are the best in the world.