View Full Version : My Angel fish is confused

11-07-2014, 10:44 PM
I raised this fish in a growout tank with nothing but discus, I have no other Angels in my main tank. She seems to be hanging out with one of my male Blue Diamonds and he acts like he wants to try and make a pass over the eggs but she wont let him get close enough. Anybody else ever have something like this happen?

11-08-2014, 12:17 AM
lol, sry, but that is very funny. Hybrid Angcus? I imagine that the angle will eventually get the point, you are not welcome to fertilize this clutch of eggs. Try taking a vid :)

Second Hand Pat
11-08-2014, 12:33 AM
Actually it is the discus which is confused :)

11-08-2014, 12:37 AM
Actually it is the discus which is confused :)

You are right! So, should it be Disels insteads of angcus? :)

I still want a video lol.

11-08-2014, 12:46 AM
I wonder if an angelfish can fertilize discus eggs...

Ive had tropheus and mbuna hybridize so maybe...

11-08-2014, 02:54 AM
As a general rule, almost all South American cichlids cannot hybridize outside of their genus. There have been sketchy reports of severums (SA) hybridizing with convicts (CA) but I have seen no actual proof besides supposed pictures of juveniles that could easily be some other convict hybrid. exCichlasoma festae can hybridize with Central American cichlids, but this is because festae are closely related to the CA cichlids.

So even if they went through the motions (which I doubt), discus and angels wouldn't produce viable eggs.

11-08-2014, 08:37 AM
As a general rule, almost all South American cichlids cannot hybridize outside of their genus. There have been sketchy reports of severums (SA) hybridizing with convicts (CA) but I have seen no actual proof besides supposed pictures of juveniles that could easily be some other convict hybrid. exCichlasoma festae can hybridize with Central American cichlids, but this is because festae are closely related to the CA cichlids.

So even if they went through the motions (which I doubt), discus and angels wouldn't produce viable eggs.

Have to agree with Ryan Here on the chances that they would hybridize...not likely as they are not closely enough related.

However.. That doesn't mean that can't share quite a few characteristics... Discus have been known to raise Angelfish Fry. That much I am 1000000% percent sure of !!!;)


11-08-2014, 11:20 AM
I just reposted all the lost pics and vids in that thread.


11-08-2014, 03:43 PM
The eggs became a midnight snack but it was an entertaining 30-45 minutes to say the leaast.