View Full Version : Erratic Swimming behavior

11-08-2014, 10:41 PM
Hi All. Thank-you for reading. One of my fish has started out of nowhere with erratic swimming behavior. It's one of two fish I thought might have been a pair. Both fish were doing great in a 29 gallon tank, then yesterday afternoon when I went into the room to feed them, i noticed one of the fish swimming in circles, like whirling, often laying on its side just spinning. Every so often the fish gets its equilibrium and swims upright and straight for awhile, then goes back into this weird swimming pattern. Right now its in its own tank, I haven't treated with anything. The water is clean and fresh and the same water I use for all of my discus and altum angels. Ive been around discus along time and never seen anything quite like this. usually if its a bladder problem the fish has trouble staying down in the tank. Im wondering if the fish is having seizures. Has anyone seen this or could possibly recommend something.

Deeply appreciated, John

11-08-2014, 10:56 PM
It sounds to me like he struck the tank or lid.I lost a nice fish like that before.Hopefully he'll recover.