View Full Version : very sad day. injury.

11-18-2014, 10:29 AM
My 5.5 inch leopard with ring gene from Kenny struck a piece of driftwood in my tank overnight two nights ago. She has a large lump on her side unable to stay upright and one third of her backside is curled to one side. It seems as if she was paralyzed. The only reason she is not at the top of the water is I put plastic in the quarantine tank she is currently in. Does anyone think there is any hope. It doesn't seem like she's gotten any better within the last 48 hours. On another note all driftwood had been removed from the tank. This was my one female that paired with my raflesia... so upsetting.

11-18-2014, 10:33 AM
It doesn't sound very good.:( I'm sorry but it not likely she'll recover. She must have really struck that hard..It sounds like a broken spine? Im sorry to hear about this.


11-18-2014, 10:37 AM
Unfortunately I feel the same way. What I think may have happened is that one of my columbian zebra plecos spooked her in the middle of the night. I have taken all my GBR out of the tank, and the plecos are next. Plan on just keeping the 7 sterbai cories and my current 9 discus in my 240. Looks awfully bare now. Maybe more discus soon.

11-18-2014, 10:45 AM
Usually Driftwood is not an issue... My 125 is jam packed with malaysian wood and 8 adult discus and theres never a problem. However, discus are prone to being spooked at night. I make sure my main lights come on in the morning well before we are up, and I also often run a single light that stays on during the night... not anything big.. just a 13 watt CPF. So I use two timers on the tank.

Works fine.
