View Full Version : Buying juvi Discus

12-05-2014, 04:04 AM
I want to get few juvi pigeonblod and probably san meras, still not decided on the quantities.
I have spent some time looking around and what i saw it is a bit confusing.

I found some intresting fish in Lanswale Atlantis Aquarium (Sydney)

San merah juvies have great shape and color. Their redness is somewhere between orange and red, while pigeonblods are a bit of a concern.. i might be mistaken but they do not have any color, redness is more of a brownish color than red. Larger ones 4 inces + have great color and pattern but 2.5 inches are just pale in a way
Is this normal for pigeonblod juvies or they are not pure batch?

Also noticed that most of 2.5 inch have clamped dorsal fins but once ive dumped some food most of them went strait up.

What are your thoughts on this

12-05-2014, 06:55 AM
I would not recommend getting fish from a local pet store. There are some real good sponsors here (check the sponsor section) that have quality fish at good prices. And some will ship to Australia.

Larry Bugg
12-05-2014, 10:34 AM
Discus do not show their color or pattern when they are young. The color and pattern comes out as they mature. Some strains take longer than others. Some of th reds like San Merah will show some of their color at a fairly early age but the color may fill in more or darken as they get older. Pigeons take longer for their color and in particular their pattern to show. At 2.5" they won't show much at all.

12-05-2014, 12:24 PM
Take a look at the grow out competition thread ( http://forum.simplydiscus.com/forumdisplay.php?165-Third-Annual-Discus-Hobbyist-Challenge-(2012) ) and you will be able to see how they mature and color up over the first 6 to 9 months. I bought mine at 2.5 inches and for the most part, they were plane jane brownish to colorless fish. I am 3 months in on my grow out, putting the fish at around 5 months old, their color is really starting to come out now and is pretty exciting to watch.

12-14-2014, 06:56 PM
I only buy juveniles but you should buy from a breeder

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