View Full Version : TDS Question

12-09-2014, 06:43 PM
I had someone ask me this question and I didn't know how to answer it because I don't have problems with high tds or ph so Im throwing it out here.How high can the tds be when raising juvies and keeping adults?his water was around 350 tds and ph around 8.2.Hes using an ro mix but if hes not planning on breeding is it really necessary?Does this fall into "as long as the water is consistant"?

12-09-2014, 08:25 PM
Bill, I am a little south of his TDS but have a high pH. Below are my parameters as measured about 8 months ago. Below are my 2 best out of the group of ten 2.5" fish I received from Hans. Official measurement to come but I would venture to guess 5" +/-on these, 3 months into my grow out.
pH 7 tap / pH 8.1 aged 24hrs
GH 120 mg/L ppm
KH 80 mg/L ppm
Ca 60 mg/L ppm
PO 2.5
Fe 0 (non-chelated)
Fe 0 (chelated)
Test from our local plumber
TDS 254
10 grams hard

http://i1316.photobucket.com/albums/t603/gregroper/DSC_9778_zps56dc6d33.jpg (http://s1316.photobucket.com/user/gregroper/media/DSC_9778_zps56dc6d33.jpg.html)

http://i1316.photobucket.com/albums/t603/gregroper/DSC_9791_zps01c58f20.jpg (http://s1316.photobucket.com/user/gregroper/media/DSC_9791_zps01c58f20.jpg.html)

Keith Perkins
12-10-2014, 08:27 AM
As I recall Nicholson raises his fry in RO waste water which I would assume has a TDS higher than 350. I believe the additional calcium and minerals is beneficial to proper growth, so I'd say you hit the nail on the head with the as long as it's consistent thought. If he's using RO mix he's flushing money.

12-10-2014, 09:01 AM
I wouldn't worry over it being consistent - honestly the discus don't! What they do care about is it being clean. :) If he keeps the water clean then the discus will soon show him if they are unhappy, but I'd be surprised if that happens - provided the water is clean. Oh, did I mention that the water should be clean? ... :evilgrin:

12-10-2014, 11:15 AM
Bill, I was just up at Hans' place on Saturday picking up a pair of fish. I told him that my TDS levels recently went up to 330 ppm, and that I'd need to get an RO system in order to continue breeding. He said that's right for the breeders, but that the high TDS is good for the grow-out.

12-10-2014, 07:28 PM
Thanks every one.I suspected.I just sold him some juvies,and then later recalled Gary,Turq64 growing out juvies in r/o waste.Same go for the higher PH?Ive just never had to deal with it having great water out of my faucet.