View Full Version : First experience with raising fry artificially

12-22-2014, 07:56 PM
I had a pair of piwo red turquoise that I got from Josie/Miranda last year that started to breed for me. I begrudgingly took a trip to Oregon on 11/21 knowing that the batch will go free swimming soon. Long story short I
cut the trip short and came home late on 11/23 (the day they should go free swim). When I got home I was shock to see the parents floating on the side with what looks like columaris and the fry swimming all over the place. I immediately quarantined the parents and treated with the only thing that I thought might work at the time (methylene blue) and increased the temp from 82 to 86. I sucked all the fry out with an airline tube and placed them in a clean container with aged water and floated this in a 20 gal breeder. I've read about artificial rearing of discus frys before but never actually attempted it. I boiled a couple of eggs, removed the yolk and mixed it until I got a good paste consistency. I then found a piece of black plastic (cover off a DVD movie I had lying around) that I can smear the egg yolk on and just crossed my fingers that the fry will start eating it. Low and behold they were attracted to the black plastic and started grazing on the egg yolk. I switched them to bbs as soon as I could (~ 2 to 3 days). This was a lot of work but it was extremely rewarding!! I was able to save the male piwo. but the female was too far gone :(.


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12-22-2014, 09:00 PM
I can't view the vid or pics, but that is an amazing story! You must have had that gut instinct to cut the trip short. Can't wait to see these when I get home.

12-22-2014, 09:19 PM

12-24-2014, 12:24 AM
I posted pics and video on tapatalk. Don't know if you have to have tapatalk to view the images. Sorry