View Full Version : ok take two

12-29-2014, 09:59 PM
this is the second time my blue snakeskins have mated in their breeder. the first time i didnt see too much action with the male fertilizing, and then after 3 days they had eventually destroyed all the eggs, trying to pick off the ones that didnt fertilize.
so this time. they both did a very nice job. lots of eggs. better fertilizing. so i read and saw how some breeders make the eggs visual to them but out of reach of thier constant fiddling by netting or basketing off the cluster of eggs.
they lay thier eggs on a planted terra cotta pot. and i so ingeniously paced said planter in a net bottom hydro pot. needless to say momma is pissed but she can still see them and knows they are there.

am i doing the right thing? this is my first time breeding. i have a huge microworm culture to feed the babies. water chemistry is perfect
any advice is goos advice.

Altum Nut
12-29-2014, 10:42 PM
If I read this correctly...you screened the eggs in the same tank which is perfectly fine. Many do to determine a proven pair or from either parent eating eggs. If your sure the other is a male you will find out how good of a job he has done.
You shall see in a couple of days what eggs have not gone white.

Good Luck,

12-30-2014, 09:45 AM
You are doing fine but did want to clarify one thing. Fish are not super smart. They are not trying to pick off the dead eggs. A good pair will mouth all of the eggs. Since bacteria will attack anything that dies very quickly the egg shells of the dead eggs will become weak and burst. This has lead to people giving fish way more credit then they deserve in the IQ department.

Good luck.


12-30-2014, 12:52 PM
learnin something new everyday.

12-30-2014, 02:09 PM

01-01-2015, 05:03 PM
ok so i have some little wrigglers on the pot now. they are watching with hopefully good intentions.ive been doing water changes with an awesome liqiud humic acid supplement so even though the water is the color of oolong tea, it seems to be balanced. is there anything i can do now in between them making it off the cone and to the parents that can better the situation?

01-02-2015, 07:42 PM
ok well the parents are clearly interested in a meal :/ i managed to save 12 in a 10 gallon tank that i started mostly with the water they came from and a few gallons of RO. still wriggling on the cone. going to do some egg yolk on a dark...something if i see some swimmers tomorrow.