View Full Version : Help...discus got skinny/dark

12-30-2014, 02:16 PM
I have a discus that wouldn't eat anything. It got skinny/dark and just stay at one spot. From time to time, It nibbled 1 or 2 bites of the freeze dried worm.

Could anyone give advice on how to deal with this? or Should I deworm it?

I have PraziPro that I used to deworm flowerhorn before. Can I do the same for discus?

12-30-2014, 06:04 PM
any advices discus expert?

12-30-2014, 06:16 PM
you can use PraziPro but it would really help to be able to get some into the fish from eating. What are the water temps and other parameters that may help us help you more. I recently had the same thing on one of my little discus. Once I brought home from the PS he was picked on a little and stopped eating. I put him into sick tank (20gal) used Prazipro twice for the recommended time I also soaked food with it but could never get him to eat again. After 3-months I put him down. I also talked to the LPS owner who I know very well his other 7 fish also did the same thing so they picked up something at the wholesaler just took time to manifest itself.

12-30-2014, 08:17 PM
I bought 2 discus from wholesaler. But the other is eating good and already fat up, however, this one just won't eat even frozen bloodworm. I change water 3 to 4 time a week. I have other discus in the tank as well but they all eat very well with strictly home mix beefheart.

I don't know what experts think about this. At the moment, i'm thinking about soaking "tropical granules" in PraziPro and then force feed. Let's me know what your take on this.

Thank you,

OC Discus
12-30-2014, 08:54 PM
Please complete the disease questionnaire in the disease section. It will help others help you.

Here is a link:
