View Full Version : breeding attempts

01-04-2015, 07:38 PM
so after the first laying of eggs i netted them off and as soon as there was free swimmers they where a meal. so i started a tank for artificial rearing.

but wouldnt ya know it they decided to lay eggs on the glass this time instead of the cone. :/
do they outgrow this eating of fry behavior? or will they be destined to be cannibals amongst brood? i cant do anything about this clutch of eggs but hope they dont eat them

be nice to a noob

01-05-2015, 03:24 PM
Most of the time they do, but not always. It can take several tries, sometimes more, for them to get it right.

01-06-2015, 04:24 PM
I had the same problem. One trick I did was I put another 20 gallon tank next to it and set it up with the same type of water parameters. I watched the pair to see who was eating the eggs. It was the male. So I snatched him up and up him in the second tank. The female raised the fry with delight, but only if she could see him. I blocked him off at first and she ate the fry. After that I had it down to a method. Every pair is different though. I would give them 10 plus tries before I resorted to this method. As it goes 2 parents raising fry are better than 1.

01-06-2015, 11:40 PM
o ill be patient. thats what i figured
i wanna take that baby eating B***H and put her in another tank but ill let them try like 3 more times. he seems to follow her lead. and ive read that thier can be a bad parent. and even foster parents to provide a solution.. but dad looks like he gets it.
i had a few fry in a 10 gal that wasnt properly set up and over fed with egg yolk and ended up sucking up 2 survivors and put them back with mom and dad and they where irritated that they were trying to feed off them. (well mom more than dad) and then they sucked them up and tried to spit them on thier eggs(for like an hour) until they died. depressing, but id lik to think im making progress, and they are too ;)

experienced breeders..... tell me a story? im very passionate about this hobbie because it challenges me to work with other non-terrestrial life forms and its amazing.

any advice is good advice
