View Full Version : Surprise babe!! Discus!!! OH BOY

01-05-2015, 01:13 AM
First, Hi all!

My name is Anthony. I'm new here, and I just jumped into Discus by surprise kinda......

Little back ground on my tank, I have a 150 gal XH tank currently, with the dimensions of 48"W x 24"D x 30"H. I was running a planted, rimless, 45 gal cube until I was in Petsmart and their 125 gallon and 150 gallon tanks were both on sale. Now both of these tanks included the stands, glass tops and lights. The price 330$ for the 125 and 365$ for the 150!!! WHAT?? I immediately started to call the wife to beg and convince her this was the right time to get into a large tank. I had just bought myself a play station 4 that morning and that was the compromise she made with me, the tank or the PS4. Easy choice IMO, FISH TANK!! I had just been in the store a few days before trying to decide if I would ever be able to own a large tank due to the prices, 765$ for the 150 and 680$ for the 125. So seeing the amazing sale prices I went for it. The only hard decision of the day then was the 125 or 150??? I just felt like everyone who gets into large tanks has or had a 125. I have only seen one 150XH setup in my life. A local store where I grew up had an awesome planted tank. I just remember how tall the plants were and how much I loved the neons.

So my current setup is a 150 gallon eXtra High.

Lighting: I'm using a finnex marine light with a actinic strip and a 10k strip. I saw the light in action at a LFS, on a discus tank of course, loved the color it gave off and offered the guy 80$ on the spot and he said ok. Also Im running an LED light that's a fairly new company I think called Elive. I HATE this light. I bought 2 48" strips lights, and these lights use PODS, little 1 watt inserts that allows you customize your lighting to meet your needs blah blah blah. I have filled these fixtures with pods at somewhere between 6$ and 9$ depending on which pod you buy and it has gotten ridiculous.

Filtration: I have a Fluval FX6, running just biomedia in it, with the stock sponges that wrap each basket. This filter is holding all the eheim bio media the little balls, that filled 3 of the 4 media baskets from my Rena XP4, all the bio media it came with which wasn't much, and all the bio media I had in 2 AC 110s. I'm impressed. Except I needed something to polish the water, and I do like using carbon, I'm a reef guy and like it, but I'm not convinced I do not need it on the freshwater. So I picked up an Eheim Professional 2, the 2028, running one basket of eheim biomedia and then foam, and other mechanical filter media, which made my water much more clear.

Temp: Currently using 3 Hydor Theo 300 watt heaters. I was using them vertically but after seeing many tanks with the heater horizontal I gave it a try. Its working out kinda. I don't like that I cant adjust them very easy if needed. The tank is 30" high and my face basically goes under water to do that. I also added a aquatop water circulator, just 660 gph to keep the sand clear.

Substrate: Pool filter sand, and being a reef/saltwater guy it was so cool to buy 12$/50lbs sand for my tank.

Livestock: 20ish glolight and blue neon tetras, down from 70ish thanks to the 2 pictus cats in there, 4 cory cats, 1 Raphael striped cat, 1 lace cat, 1 albino and 1 orange long finned bushy nosed plecos, 1 reticulated loach, another loach I cant remember the name, 9 serpae tetras, 5 white high finned tetras, 3 blood fin tetras, 2 dension barbs, 3 harlequin rosabaras, 1 rummy nose down from 15 (pictus :/ ), 3 angels, 3electric blue rams, 3 blue rams, 1 angel blue ram, and 13 rainbows. Im letting nature take its course and leaving the pictus in until the neons are gone then they are going to a buddy with a bigger tank. I know this seems heavily stocked but it doesn't look like in person and almost all the fish besides the rainbows and pictus are tiny. This also explains the need for the heavy volume biomedia, and I do daily water changes now that I have discus. Ill explain.


So I have been researching and thinking about discus for a while now. I went out of town for several days, leaving my wife to care for the fish. She is awesome about the tank, she likes to feed the fish, help me pick out the fish, help me decorate the tank, and does no water changes, or cleaning what so ever. :) I came home sunday evening and she was there to surprise me with something. Well I noticed from the driveway there was a bright orange discus in my tank, but wait there was a yellow Marlboro, a baby blue diamond and baby blue snakeskin. Also a red turquoise and blue turquoise maybe. WOW, "surprise babe!", she said.

I had been showing her the endless pictures online of the discus I liked and looking for local discus breeders, such as Chicago discus. I had failed to mention the fact that I wanted to get a new 75 gal tank, stand and glass tops that will be going on sale at a LFS for 300$ in two weeks. Only because that was the last little piece. I had to get her on board then explain how it was much more appropriate for these fish to be in a species specific tank, with a bare bottom, and come from one source. So its kind of my fault.

So here they are, Im not sure on what some of them are. If anyone wants to help me id them that would be great. I think I know but I would rather some one with a good amount of knowledge id them so I will truly know. Also Im a little disappointed with the quality. I wanted to get much higher quality discus, and different strains. But, I CAN NOT TELL HER THAT. So can everyone just be honest with me and give it to me straight? Please. I just want to know. How are they from the best physical assessment anyone can give. Im a little worried about the "blue turquoise" that has the stress bars in most pics. I know he is thin. And Im wondering about him/her being stunted. Eyes look big to me but maybe its because of being skinny. He is eating anything and everything though and in the week he has been in there has fattened up. Also I know the colors aren't going to be good at this age so that gives me hope, because the snakeskin is a little brown in the center of his body. Now the red and yellow Marlboro were in the show tank at the LFS she got them at. The orange has been with them for 9 months and the yellow for 4. The other 4 had been at the store for 2 months. They are a smaller store and have a tank setup for just rams and discus. We have bought all of our rainbows, rams, and actually almost all of our fish have come from there.

All of the discus are actually doing very very well. They are eating out of our hands, there is little aggression, and they all are pooping well. The colors are typically very nice, only getting dark once in a while when the yellow guy decides to be a jerk and chase someone else. I am feeding frozen blood worms from omega one and Hikari, Mysis, and plankton. They are getting freeze dried bloodworms from Hikari and omega one. Flake from Fluval, ocean nutrition, and new life spectrum pellets. Also feeding a few different types of the chips from Aquadine. I picked up a pound or so of a special discus diet from a buddy who buys it and feeds it exclusively to his Beautiful 9 adult discus. I plan to continue to expand my food collection. But they are eating literally anything I give them. She said they actually were eating and consuming not spitting bloodworms within minutes of being in the tank. We feed after adding new fish to distract the current stock of fish.

Ok Im sorry this post got so long, I hope everyone reads it. Thanks in advance for the help.

My computer is acting up pics are coming just want to get all the text up before I lose it.

01-05-2015, 07:29 AM
Alright got some pics from tonight, and uploaded them to photobucket. The pictures were taken with my HTC, so I'm hoping the quality is good enough for solid identifications and physical assessments as to what I might expect as the discus mature. This actually isn't too bad of a deal. I can give this my best shot with the not so expensive discus, and really get a routine down for water changes and feeding. This will also give me a chance to get to know the discus fish, and what I need to prepare for when I do go pick up or ship my high end discus. I was really hoping to get about 6 to 10 discus in the 3.5" to 4.5" range. If I'm not mistaken, this would give a solid started fish, as well as a good idea of the shape and color the discus will be as an adult. Thanks again everyone.


the red/orange



Blue diamond its the same discus, just little blue and dark blue sometimes. He was darker once when he was stressed a little. seems happy with either color little blue or darker blue


01-05-2015, 07:47 AM
Read it all to the end and then... NO PICS!!!!!!!!!! Not fair hahaha.

P.S You will be able to update pics at eleven post count, not before.

01-05-2015, 07:59 AM
blue snake skin

He is a lot more blue than in these two pics


Heres the yellow Marlboro and the blue turquoise??? The blue guys is thin and was thinner, but hes doing really well and putting on some thickness quick


01-05-2015, 08:10 AM
heres the thin blue turquoise but idk if that's what he is or not. but he is doing very well eating great he needs it for sure

heres the blue turq and the yellow Marlboro the yellow guy looks thin in this pics but he isn't, I think its because hes turning. ill post pics of him next

Blue diamond, looks like this darker blue or baby blue both ways hes out and happy. I have seen him dark blue in a stressful situation, not like the darker blue here


01-05-2015, 08:20 AM
Blue snake skin. I like this guy, he is usually blue all the time. the brown in this pics isn't a good representation.


yellow Marlboro



01-05-2015, 08:31 AM
The orange/red unnamed discus :)

heres the red turquoise with the orange/red

red turquoise


01-05-2015, 08:48 AM
another of the red turquoise

some other pics

angel ram

sorry these pics are horrible, its my phone and the fish wont hold still! it was much easier taking pics of coral.


here are just some random fish, pictus, electric blue ram, some tetras

01-05-2015, 08:58 AM
heres the cool loach, one of them cant remember what kind right now.

cool shot of my favorite angel and all the discus, with a crazy fast rainbow flying by

and a FTS, always fun, but I think after this morning ill be making a lot of changes.

usually what happens when I walk up to the tank

01-05-2015, 12:02 PM
I just bought the same tank at petsmart as well........I thought it had to be mismarked as online they are $720. My stand had the smallest amount of damage in the inside of it and they marked it down another 20 percent! So I basically got a 150 gallon tank for $318 including tax! Now I just need to go pick it up. How many people did it take for you to move the tank inside? Also were u concerned about weight where you put your tank in a special spot? Mine will be used for my discus as well! I will be looking at this thread to see how it progresses! Love the driftwood......I am way to new to be able to tell you about your discus!

01-05-2015, 03:16 PM
Discus look a little bit behind but it is usually this way with every LFS discus, not the worst I have seen though. All you have to do now is get that 75 GAL tank and put them all there to fatten them up and change as much water as possible. While growing them up keep it bare bottom a good BH mix, 82 F and all the clean water you can afford.

"No fish have been killed ever with too much clean water" Jhon said

01-05-2015, 03:28 PM
it wasn't too bad, me and my girl friend it in up two flights of stairs and into the house. she is a pretty strong girl and im decently strong. google says its 300lbs, but there is no way. and I am pretty worried about where it sitting. the floor is slightly angled and the floor is extra bouncy now. not good. but we are moving soon, and will be on a ground floor. I ended up getting the tank stand tops and light too for 300$ after the discount they gave me idk why, but they did it was 398$ with 2 45$ bags of dog food, and then I sold the strip light to a buddy for 25$. Couldn't beat it.

01-05-2015, 03:30 PM
Ok I am changing water everyday, about 30 gal out of the 125ish in the 150. My water is test everyday. Everything is perfect so far. Also Im feeding a BH mix now and actually they all are finally eating on it. I cant keep feeding the tank the way I have been, all my other fish look like they are going to explode

So is it worth keeping these guys, or should I try to just to maybe sell or donate them to someone? If I fatten them up and take excellent care of them will they become nice looking fish?

01-05-2015, 03:50 PM
They will for sure but it is complicated and more work demanding to make it in a planted tank. Be aware that a BH mix will quickly foul the water. You have to be on top of it.

01-05-2015, 04:39 PM
Ok, I can not see your pictured because I am at work, but will comment on them later. First and foremost, welcome to the forum. Very nice of your girlfriend to get you discus :). It is understandable that you may think that you should sell them and try to get better quality (this is without seeing pics and only going based on what you said about them), but my advice is to keep them and get a feel for growing out discus for a while.

One thing I will echo is that you really do not want to be overfeeding in a planted tank, especially BH since it is so messy. Daily water changes typically mean more than what you are currently doing, but that is quite a large tank, so I will just say that if it was my tank, i'd be inclined to do at least 50% water change considering how heavy handed you say you are feeding your tank.

You got a great deal on that tank/stand combo, and if presented with the same offer, I am sure I'd have a 150 in my living room now as well :)

Again, welcome to the forum and please keep us updated.

P.S. another great staple food for your discus, and less messy, is Freeze dried black worms, and they are sold by our one and only forum owner, Al Sabetta (http://forum.simplydiscus.com/forumdisplay.php?59-AquaticSuppliers-Freeze-Dried-Black-Worms-(Al-Sabetta)-Northford-Connecticut). Click on his name and it will take you to his page. I am yet to see a discus that does not like FDBW

01-05-2015, 07:08 PM
If you want an honest assessment of the fish, they are not good......typical LFS store discus. Poorly shaped and stunted. As to how to break this to your GF I do not know, I am sure she has a heart of gold and meant well.

I am also sure you are aware that if you want to grow out your own juvenile discus, and are just getting started in the hobby, a bare bottom tank is highly recommended.

good luck and welcome to the forum.

01-05-2015, 07:42 PM
If you want an honest assessment of the fish, they are not good......typical LFS store discus. Poorly shaped and stunted. As to how to break this to your GF I do not know, I am sure she has a heart of gold and meant well.

I am also sure you are aware that if you want to grow out your own juvenile discus, and are just getting started in the hobby, a bare bottom tank is highly recommended.

good luck and welcome to the forum.

LOL as a married man I can certainly say this is poor advise. Don't do anything but tell your GF how great the fish are and how appreciative you are.

DC Discus
01-05-2015, 08:26 PM
+1 on not mentioning your wife got the wrong fish. Complete agree with the previous post and thank her constantly.

I'd say your assessment of the discus is right on. I'd get rid of the pictus cat and watch the angel fish and pleco. Small pleco's can harass Discus while they sleep. All my discus are in bare-bottom tanks, but your tank looks good and see no reason those discus won't be happy. Beside you can call this tank your wife's and then get a matching one of expensive fish next for yourself!

Something else to consider is a lot of the discus on various sites (high quality) are in their prime (3.5-5" size range, 9-12 months), thus look exceptional. It takes a ton of work to keep them looking like that and they've basically been in quarantine (ultra clean hatchery) their whole life and never exposed to disease. Your tank has several species which probably are carriers for various things. Thus it's usually recommend to start with quarantined and treated fish to add in with your discus, not the opposite. It would have been devastating to buy expensive discus then have a disease outbreak due to your original fishes in the tank. IMO.

I did enjoy reading your posts, I like the enthusiasm!

01-05-2015, 10:40 PM
Your tank looks awesome btw ! :)

01-05-2015, 11:10 PM
Hey guys,

Thanks a lot for the honest assessments and ideas for continuing with the Discus addiction. I know Im addicted just from nonstop drooling over tanks, like Planted MN on youtube for example. Probably my favorite tank. He has amazing discus, designs with plants and driftwood, as well as a realistic working class type of tank. I hope that makes sense. Its not some over the top crazy tank, and he slowly built it adding pieces and parts along the way. The tank seems doable for me, and a standard for what I would like to have someday, tank and discus.

DC I totally agree I cant tell my wife that the fish her got for xmas are sickly and subpar. BUT! She did say to me today, "I know these aren't the ones you wanted, but those are really expensive and I thought why not try with these first. See how it goes and then we can go to Chicago discus and pick out some over the top ones." YESSSSSSSS!!!!!

So she hung out with me tonight while I clean the eheim and the just flushed the fluval. Also I have been doing 30gal WC everyday since we got the discus about a week ago, and tonight I decided to do about a 60ish% gallon WC. I have had some horrible tannins leaching from the three new pieces of driftwood. So I pulled one, the biggest and what I demmed to be the dirtiest, and most likely leaching a majority of the tannins. I just couldn't stand it anymore. I am for sure heavily feeding also so I only fed once today since I decided to open up my tank. Ill post pics of the new design soon. The discus colors are much brighter and the are schooling and swimming everywhere. I think it was just to comfy in there. Good for them not for me. I want to see my discus. I think she got a real idea of what I have been doing everyday. This schedule is fine now, as I am not working and off school for the next two weeks or so.

Part of opening up the tank was to make cleaning much easier. I would like to have a barebottom, had I planned for this to be a discus tank. I like the look of sand and since this is a community tank, Im ok with sand vaccuming. I have no figured out what WC schedule Ill be following for now everyday 30 gallon WC.

I was looking at the food, and it doesn't have the ingredients on it, and the buddy I got it from bought 5 lbs of it and has fed it for a long time. My wife was going to try to make something with a DIY BH recipe online or youtube. If anyone has any recommendations let me know please guys!! Also I am Kinda liking these guys, with the tank wide open like this they are acting so different, and the tank is brighter as well as their colors. Im using a finnex reef light with a 10k row or leds and an actinic row. I have the crap elive led, but its up for sale and ill be either getting a monster or planted plus finnex. Also I don't have a planted tank. Those plants are obviously fake, or so I thought, I could have said something confusing in my original post.

01-06-2015, 11:19 PM
Looking forward to seeing your new tank design. I picked up my 150 today and boy oh boy did we get a deal......corporate had them mismmarked.......they should have been $750! I thought that might have been the case as I thought that was a steal on that tank and stand but then when I saw you got the same deal I figured it wasn't.

01-07-2015, 12:33 PM
your wife is awesome, I wish my husband were more understanding of the expensive ones!!