View Full Version : Its about much more than Discus,Just ate some salsa!

01-07-2015, 05:45 PM
It has been a long time since I started a thread here on Simply but just had to come on and post a "thank you" to my good friend "Jeep" for the excellent Overland Park Salsa ( which arrived by mail yesterday). As I sampled the salsa it reminded me that being a member here on Simply is much more than the care and husbandry of raising and breeding our common interest the "Discus"!
Over the years as the result of my membership, I have developed many forum friendships that have extended beyond discus. My interest in Discus may have waned but the friendships are as strong as ever. It is nice to see that even though I no longer keep discus, it did not minimize the contact and friendships that started here on Simply!

Brian I love the strong garlic and subtle flavors in your salsa and In my opinion would be award winning in any salsa contest. I suspect that Judi will have it all gone in a short period of time :( Now send me some more of your KC style brisket :p

bottom line is that Simply is much more than a fish forum as I can attest its also about lifetime friendships that have extended beyond a round fish!


01-07-2015, 06:05 PM
Most important question.....you still golfing?


01-07-2015, 06:08 PM
I here you, I made some good friends to, I never belonged to any forums or clubs just past coworkers and a couple high school buds, and now I am in touch with people that have same interest as me and not say that i am CRAZY, so thank you Simply.

01-07-2015, 06:22 PM
Most important question.....you still golfing?


Hi John,
Now talk about another lifetime friend. Met John originally on the Jim Quarles discus forum "daah", many moons ago! I have talked to John numerous times by phone (hes got a funny accent :p), and missed seeing him at the ACA meetings. Hope to someday hog hunt with my good friend in the "little black number" :(

Yes John, I still play golf as its the only thing keeping me alive ;), Or basically If I don't play golf (get out of her hair) Judi will Kill me :)

good hearing from you John,

01-07-2015, 09:09 PM
Even though ya'll re out of discus ya'll really should consider a NADA show at some point. it would be a great vacation and you wuold not believe the quality of the fish.


01-08-2015, 06:41 AM
Hello Old Friend! Say hi to Judi as well for me!:)Been a very long time!I am really glad to see you guys are well. Thank you for your inspiring words about SimplyDiscus as well.
Glad to hear you and Brian are still close.I remember he makes one kick' barbque sauce as well, been awhile but sent me some along time ago and I think I sent him some of my salsa to try...could be wrong there as the memories going on me lol.
Anyhow,Happy New Years!