View Full Version : newbie

01-14-2015, 09:43 AM
Greetings all

My name is Quinton and I am from South Africa,
I am new to this hobby, have had fish tanks for 15 odd years but recently have started keeping Discus,
Our current equipment is a large 1000litre tank which is running with a sump filtration system, we currently keep, 5 adult and 4 juvenile discus, 4 angels and a few tetras, we have some driftwood some java moss and a few plants that are struggling to grow at that temp, the tank has marine sand on the bottom, its fairly healthy and running for about 3months now, we do a 20 to 30 percent water change weekly due to our tap water having chlorine and have to be treated before adding to tank, anyway that's all for now I will post pics of the tank soon.