View Full Version : Beginners' Mistakes

01-20-2015, 10:50 PM
Hi, everyone! This is my first post and I have some questions about some beginner mistakes that my wife and I have made. There are bad mistakes, so please take it easy on us.

We recently upgraded from a 16 G. tank to a 60 G. tank, so, of course, the first thing that we wanted to do was get some discus. Unfortunately, we didn't really do our research. We bought one juvenile pigeon blood discus. A few days later my wife bought home a blue diamond (I know, we were clueless!) Anyway, the PB bullied the BD. I'm not sure if this was the PB being territorial or because the BD was already sick to begin with, as we had an angel fish die a few days later that was from the same fish store and tank as the BD. The BD only lasted two days.

Here are my questions.

1. We are now using our old 16 G. as a quarantine tank. The PB is doing very well in the 60 G. We have other assorted fish in there (some rummynose tetra, an angelfish, a rope fish, and some catfish). We want to get 2-3 more discus. Is our tank big enough for 3-4 discus with the other fish that we have?

2. If our tank is big enough, what is the best way to introduce the new discus? If we get more discus, can we house three juvenile discus in our 16 G. quarantine tank for a couple of weeks and then introduce them to the bigger tank?

01-20-2015, 10:58 PM
I would suggest reading through the setting up your first discus tank. (http://forum.simplydiscus.com/showthread.php?28937-How-do-I-set-up-my-first-discus-tank) It will answer a lot of your questions, it is not recommended to keep discus in groups less then six, while your tank meets the one discus per ten gallon recommendation I don't believe you will be able to grow them out properly in a community tank. You can always buy adults.