View Full Version : dissipating micro bubbles..

jim LI
01-23-2015, 02:39 PM
Hi All,
I am looking for advice on this.. I do WC straight from the tap, using a python. Usually 60% every other day. 72 gallon bow front tank, 8 discus. when i do my wc, i use filter floss in the python tube to reduce the bubbles. they become nano bubbles, i call them. so the floss helps reduce to micro bubbles, but some still are there. it takes about 45 minutes to an hour for 95% of the bubbles to dissipate in the tank. i can't age the water, so i have no recourse but the tap. now for my question. i want to age my water, but only for an hour or so, while the bubbles dissipate. i plan on using a 55 gallon Rubbermaid pail, fill with a slightly higher temp water than the tank and use a bubble wand in the pail. Is trying this a waste of time or does it have some merit?


01-23-2015, 03:17 PM
IMO - waste of time with such a short ageing. Have you tried using a shower head on the end of your refill hose? I read this will significantly reduce micro-bubbles.

http://diskuszucht-stendker.de/plugins_en/pdfs/7._Haeufig_gestellte_Fragen_und_Antworten_ueber_Ha ltung_und_Pflege_von_Diskusfischen_en.pdf
• Small bubbles formed when changing the water and my fish are dying.
What can I do?
If you run the water through a hose under too much pressure into the
aquarium, small bubbles will form. You can avoid bubbles forming by fixing a
shower head to the end of the hose.

01-23-2015, 04:27 PM
I know someone who used to put a 1/4hp pump in a brute garbage can and let it run for about 45min-1hr and this worked for them.Me personally I don't worry about them,the only problem I have is when they lift up my sponge filters,so I go back later and give a small squeeze to get them to sink back down.

01-23-2015, 06:18 PM
micro/nano bubbles dissipate in less that 2 minutes when I use warm water straight from the tap. I have never had any of the problems I have read about here.
I must be one of the lucky ones.

01-25-2015, 12:33 PM
This topic comes up quite often, and I always recommend the same thing to people. Buy a 200 micron filter sock like this one sold on Amazon (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00474DOJY/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) and use a prefilter on your incoming hose and stick that in to the micro sock. You will get rid of 99% of your micro bubbles. The micro bubbles use to be a huge problem for me and my discus were like night and day after I employed this method.

jim LI
01-25-2015, 05:51 PM
thanks for all the replies and advice...where can i get an inline prefilter to fit my python tube, if anyone knows.


01-25-2015, 07:46 PM
thanks for all the replies and advice...where can i get an inline prefilter to fit my python tube, if anyone knows.


Amazon (http://www.amazon.com/Pre-Filter-Sponge-Pack-Fluval-Aquarium/dp/B004K9A15G/ref=pd_bia_nav_t_2?ie=UTF8&refRID=0SDR68G1P15BZYJN5HS4) as well :). That's a 3 pack for less than $5

jim LI
01-26-2015, 11:47 AM
rickztahone - the link you posted goes back to a ball valve,. what were the prefilters you were suggesting?


01-26-2015, 12:10 PM
rickztahone - the link you posted goes back to a ball valve,. what were the prefilters you were suggesting?


My apologies. The link is working fine now. 3 pre-filter sponge inserts.

Altum Nut
01-26-2015, 07:36 PM
Worked fine for me as well....http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00474DOJY/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1


jim LI
01-27-2015, 02:02 PM
Thanks all. I ordered the filters. And no shipping costs. Will let you know how it works out.


01-27-2015, 02:20 PM
Great Jim. Hope it helps to resolve your problem