View Full Version : Need Advice Please

Driftwood Mike
01-27-2015, 10:57 AM
My tank has 5 discus which are not fully grown, 3 Angels & 4 corys. Two of the Angels seemed to begin to pair off a couple of weeks ago. Had put a piece of slate on the side of the tank they wanted to claim but they were not interested. Took out the slate and now a few weeks later, last night I'm guessing picked a filter tube. Lots of eggs only 1 or 2 are white. Question is? They are high up on the filter tube, and my water changes are not looking promising. Really would like to see if they hatch. The discus are 2) 2.5" & 2) 4.5" maybe and 1) 4" I rescued from a lfs awhile ago near death so that one probably is done growing!

01-27-2015, 01:01 PM
The eggs will be eaten sooner or later. Even if they hatch, changes of survival are almost 0. If this is something you would like to take on, you should seperate the "pair" from the larger group and place them in their own tank. Preferably a 29g breeder or larger.

Driftwood Mike
01-27-2015, 02:11 PM
That's what I thought, it's happened before different Angels in a community tank. The zebras let whizzing by and picking them off like caviar, lol. The discus and the other Angel don't seem to be the least bit interested. It's funny they have divided the tank with an imaginary line like the Hatfields & McCoys. First day off from a water change since October, just in time to deal with 2 feet of snow!:p

01-28-2015, 01:04 PM
Almost 0% of success raising either Discus or Angels in community tank regardless. If you want to get 'er done you'll have to make the investment in a 20-30 gal.

Driftwood Mike
01-28-2015, 08:27 PM
I agree, gonna use this to see how their parenting skills are. Pretty good for first timers, only a few eggs turned white and they aren't eating any, yet? If I get em to wigglers I will move them to breeder and give them a real chance. Appreciate the help!